The Argument

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Chapter 15

Anna’s P.O.V.

“Anna Rosa Wright, will you marry me?” I started choking while still sobbing. 

“Yes.” Ashton’s face lit up instantly and he pulled me into a hug. He grabbed my hand and slid the perfect ring onto my finger. 

“I love you Anna Amore.”

“I love you too Ashton Amore. Did you tell the guys you were going to propose?”

“Yeah why?”

“Want to put on a little act?”

“You know I’m always up for that Princess.”

“Alright. Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”  

I threw the door open at screamed at Ashton,

“Why the hell would I marry you? I’ve only known you for a god damned week!”

“Well maybe, you could at least think about it instead of being a complete bitch about it!”

“Oh so now I’m a fucking bitch, that’s just great Ashton!” I stormed downstairs with Ashton following me.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

“I’m leaving to go with the man who killed my parents, because at least he gives a shit and didn’t push me into anything!”

“Why you ungrateful bitch!” Ashton slapped me across the face and I snapped my neck to look at him shocked. We were now in the living room and everyone was watching us.

“Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Anna what’s wrong?”

“Oh, you’re asking Anna because no one gives a fuck about what I have to say now do they!”

“Well James, Ashton fucking proposed to me!”

“That’s great! So what’s wrong with that?”

“He said he only wanted to marry my fucking body and not me that, man-whore!” I grabbed my purse and threw it over my shoulder.

“You bitch!” Ashton came across and slapped me again, totally in character. I socked him in the eye and kicked his shin. 

“How does that feel you abusive mother fucker!” I stormed out the door where Ashton and all the other guys were now following me. Cade ran up and grabbed my shoulder.

“Anna, come on where are you going?”

“Well, Carter told me that he loves me, the real me not my fucking body! So I’m going to see if he would like to be my new fucking husband instead of this asshole!”

“Come on Anna, we just got the both of you back. Don’t leave.”

“No, I am leaving! I tried to make it work, I really did. But I don’t want to be married to a guy who only likes me for my body, and calls me Mrs. Fucking Love all the time!”

Everyone started laughing and I glared at all of them. “You think it’s fucking funny do you? How about I whoop all of your asses, and when you’re at the hospital, with no Anna because I don’t want to put up with you mother fuckers, I’ll have them all explain STD’s and herpes and all that shit! Let’s see how funny it is then! And I’ll make sure it’s a pedophile that’s explaining it!”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.” Ashton came over to me and whispered in my ear.

“Already did.” I laughed and Ashton wrapped his arms around my waist. Clearly confusing the hell out of the guys. 

“Ok. Are you two not fighting? Are you back together? What the hell is going on here?!”

“Well James, I want you to meet somebody.”


“Guys, meet my soon to be wife, Anna Amore.”

“Wait so you two are getting married?”

“Yes James, we are.” Everybody came around and slapped Ashton on the back. They all hugged me and told me that I had better whoop Ashton into shape because there is going to be hell to pay if I don’t. Like I didn’t know that.

“So, Mrs. Amore, what would you like to do today?”

“I my dear friends, would like to call my best friend.” 

“Anna, why would you call me I’m right here?”

“Cade, I meant Lee.” Cade started to pout and so did James and Ashton.

“I swear! With you guys it’s constant pouting! What do you want now?”

“Anna, I’m your husband, I’m supposed to be your best friend.”

“Technically, you’re my fiancée. And you are, but Lee has been my BFF since birth!”

“Whatever Anna. I’ve been your best friend since you were a sperm!” I picked up my phone and called Lee. It rang for a minute, and when he picked up, he sounded worried.


“Lee? What’s going on?”

“You’re in hiding remember?” Oh, I forgot to tell him. Oops.

“He already found me Lee.”


“Yeah, I forgot to tell you I guess. He got me twenty minutes after I called you.”

“I thought you said you trusted the security?”

“Yeah well, let’s just say I think I trust him a little too much.”

“What do you mean?”

“My bodyguard is doing a real good job of guarding my body. Let’s leave it at that.”

“You had sex!”


“With your bodyguard?”

“Yeah. And he’s not just my bodyguard.”

“Oh god. What is it?”

“He’s also my fiancée.”

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