You Really Need To Get to Know Me Better

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Chapter 10

Ashton’s P.O.V. 

“I didn’t do it for YOU. I did it for the gang.” I don’t think words like that could have ever broken my heart, but they did. I blew it. I didn’t tell her how I felt, and now she’s suffering for it. Maybe I should go. I can’t put myself through the pain of seeing her everyday and not calling her mine. I need to leave. And I know exactly where. 

Anna’s P.O.V.

I don’t know what happened exactly. All I know is that I cried myself to sleep and woke up in the morning with a note taped to my door and a missing Ashton. The note said,

“Anna, I’m sorry about what I said and it was only because I couldn’t make myself tell you the truth.  The truth is that I’m in love with you. I’ve only known you for a week, yet I fell at the moment we met. I didn’t want to have to stay and make myself except the fact that you’ll never be mine and that you won’t ever feel the same as I do. I brought you here because of your beauty yeah, it’s true. But I also brought you because I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. No I’m not proposing in some twisted way, but I needed to let you know that I’m going away, quite a ways away actually, and I needed you to know this. I love you Anna.


So he did love me. And now he’s gone. God I have to find him. And I think I know where he is. If not, I’m going to have to use a favor that’s owed. I ran to the living room to find all the guys discussing the current whereabouts of Ashton and that they had no idea where he was.


“Yeah Anna?”

“Come with me.”

“Where we going?”

“To bring that little fucker back home.”

“You know where he is?”

“No, but I have an idea.” We ran out to the car and hopped in. James threw the keys in the ignition and we were off. The drive was a few hours long and James kept asking me about everything I knew.

“You sure he’s there? What if he isn’t? How do you know? Why would he go there?”

“James, it’s where we first met. I’m almost positive that he’s there. If he isn’t, he’s somewhere in town. I know because of a note that I found on my door this morning. And don’t worry, we WILL find him.”

Yep, we were going to a club. Now that I think about it, I should have brought Justin. He wouldn’t be hitting on everything when we do eventually get there. 

When we pulled up to the club, James and I got out fully aware of all the eyes on us. Girls were staring and undressing James with their eyes while the guys did the same to me. James pulled me to his side and wrapped his hand around my waist and I about bit him. 

“What the hell are you doing James?”

“My best friend ain’t gonna like it if I let his girl get mentally undressed.”

“And my boyfriend isn’t going to like it if I let his best friend get mentally undressed either.”

“Exactly, so it’s a win-win situation.” I laughed and looked around again and realized that James was getting a million death glares from the guys, and I got about twenty from the girls. 

When we first walked in, it was so chaotic that you couldn’t see a thing. But as you got farther into the club, you could look around a little bit more.

“Anna?” I turned around to see and old friend of mine from before my parents died. 


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