Pfft. Nicknames

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Chapter 16

Anna's P.O.V.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means, I'm getting married Lee."

"You are! Anna, that's awesome! Is he the really nice guy you always said you wanted?"

"No. He's a badass. He's a bad mo-fo." Ashton and the other guys laughaed at me and Ashton wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well then, I guess he was right."

"Who was right?"

"Daniel Cook. On his special, he said that while chicks say they want a nice, romantic, guy, they really want a badass."

"I'm a badass. I figured that if opposites attract, I might as well date a sissy. Like you." All the guys burst out laughing, except for Ashton.

"So I'm a sissy now am I Princess?"

"No Ashie, you're a complete badass. But I'm a bigger badass. I whoop yo ass any day."

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Anna, who was that?" Lee couldn't help it, he was a curious person!

"That was my fiancée Ashton."


"Yeah. Hey, do want to come to the house and meet the other badasses of the family?"

"Sure." I gave Lee the house address and he said he was actually about twenty minutes away. I hung up and stared at the guys.

"Well, get to it!"

"Get to what?"

"This place looks like a pig sty! You need to pick up!"

"What?! We didn't have to pick up for anyone else!" Jack, I'm going to killa him one of these days.

"Jack, Lee's a really good friend of mine and I don't want to make him stay outside."

"Anna, he's a guy. He isn't going to care. And if he's really your best friend, he won't care."

"Fine. But if he tells me it's a shithole Ashton, it's your ass."

"Everyone, trash the room so it looks like shit!"


"Yeah babe?"

"Shut it."

"Fine. But I want some ass later."

"God! If I knew you were going to do this Ashton, I would have never said yes."

"Anna, that's not even funny to me."

"I know." We heard a car pull up and I ran outside to say hey to Lee.

"Anna! This place is awesome! Is your husband a millionaire?"

"Yeah he is I think. Anyway, how are you?"

"Good, now that I can get out of fucking hiding. Those motels are fucking disgusting."

"Oh, wait 'til you see the inside of the house." Ashton came out and put his arms around my waist.

"Hey. I'm Ashton."

"You married the guy that asked you to dance?"

"Uh yeah I forgot you were there. How's everyone, Taylor and Ashley?"

"They both broke up with their boyfriends."

"Really? I liked Rick! He was awesome!"

"Yeah. He was pretty upset that she dumped him. I guess she wanted to 'See other people.'"

"That's my player best friend for yah."

"Yeah I know right?"

"Yes. Anyway, let's go in it's cold out here."

"Alright." Ashton, Lee, and I went inside and when Lee saw the rest of the guys he laughed.

"That's why you chose to live here isn't it."

"Only a small part of it Lee."

"Yeah, whatever."

"So, let's meet the gang." Everyone's eyes widened and I laughed. "It's just an expression you stupid buffoons. Anyways, these monkeys are Jace and Justin."

"They're cute."

"This guy is just as fucked up in the head as Anna." Jace screamed at Justin.

"Whatever. Anyways, this is Jake, and the other one is Jack."



"Alright, this is Will."

"Hey man."


"Alright, then Cade. Don't worry, he doesn't bite, in fact it's easy to kick his ass."

"Somehow, I have a feeling you did."

"Yeah, I did kick his ass."

"Alrighty. Then, there's this hot mother fucker named Ashton right here. You also know him as my husband. So, anyways, I think that's it."

"You are such a bitch! What about me?" James was pissed with me and I laughed in his face.

"Who are you again?"

"A ten."

"Who said that?"


"Oh yeah. Lee, this is my other BFF James."

"YES! I AM your BFF." Ashton put his head in my neck and whispered in my ear.

"I thought I was your BFF Anna. I am your husband after all."

"You know you are so shut it."

"Fine baby girl."

"Anna! He just stole my nickname for you! That's complete bullshit!"

"Ashton, you can't call me baby girl alright?"

"Fine Princess."

"Hey Ash?"

"Sí senorita?"

"Show Lee the door. I'm going to go to bed alright?"

"I'll be right there."

"I meant alone stupid."


"Yeah I need my sleep." I ran up the huge stairs to my room where I flopped on the bed and fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

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