IYY Lurb Yew Ashtun

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Chapter 19: 

Ashton’s P.O.V.  (After the second phone call with Anna.)

We all rushed to the bus and I tried to see how far I could get the speedometer to go before it finally broke. The answer is one-fifty. We got to the house in three minutes, only to see it covered in now-soggy toilet paper and my Ferrari burning in front. 

“Dude! She torched your car!  Look at the house! And who’s the dude over there?” I immediately recognized Pierce sitting on the ground next to my car, crying?

“Pierce? What are you doing here?”

“I was on my way over to Anna and she, she, she, go see for yourself, she’s in the garage.” My heart stopped and I ran to the garage to see Anna lying by her car in a heap. I reached down to feel her pulse, But there was none, this can’t be happening!

“NO! You can’t be gone! Anna!” I lost it, I was in complete hysteria. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I held Anna in my arms. 

“Ashton, she’s gone dude.” All the guys walked over and kneeled down beside me. James coughed and started to speak.

“We’ve lost thousands of members, But none have hurt, or left any of us this scarred. I know we all loved Anna, she was like family. The laughing, the jokes, hell! She’s only been here three weeks and I’ve already made her my little sister! We loved her like family and she meant the world to us. It’s just too bad she had to leave all of us this soon.” Then Cade spoke up.

“Anna, I never really was comfortable around other girls, But with you, I felt like I had known you forever. Love you girl.” I guess it’s Will’s turn now.

“Anna, god, Anna I can’t believe you’re gone. I loved the time we did get to share together. The fighting, the Star Wars marathon, I even enjoyed the time you slapped me for saying Johnny Depp wasn’t the best actor ever! I love you Anna, we all do.” Jack and Jake.

 “Hey Anna, it’s Jake. Thanks for the good times and I’m really going to miss you. I can’t believe you left like this, I always thought Ashton would ride you too hard to be honest,” He started to chuckle and looked back at me. “Thanks for everything. Love yah.” Jack stepped up in tears.

“I know guys aren’t supposed to cry, But meant a lot to me Anna. I loved every second I had with you. When you told me I was lucky to be named after Captain Jack Sparrow, to the time when you covered my fricken pillow in honey when I was sleeping. I loved you like a sister I never had and you meant the world to me. I just can’t believe you’re gone. Love you Annakins.” He chuckled to himself and stepped away from me. Then Jace and Justin stepped up to have a word.

“Anna, I guess since we’re youngest we have to go last,  meaning we get to repeat what everyone else says. Jace and I loved you like a sister, and we even loved the twisted things you tried to get through our minds. Like, why a duck sleeps on one leg at night, why elephants have trunks, why Tiger Woods and Santa Claus are different, you were the best thing that ever happened to us Anna, and it took one Ashton to screw it all up. Love you Anne.” All those perverted things sounded like Anna, god she can’t be gone!

“I guess the Jacester get’s to go last then, I agree with every word my brother said. I guess since you’re dead I can forgive you for the whole screwed up in the head comment from a couple weeks ago. I am cute, and I like it that way. It means I’m a softy. Love you Anna.” Then my dad started to speak.

“Anna, I knew from the moment my son brought you home that you would be like a daughter to me, and I couldn’t have been more correct. I’m sorry he was so blind as to force you into this fate, and I kind of wish it was him instead. I’m not going to honor what I told you I would though. I’m not going to celebrate a great person’s fulfilled life instead of a great person’s death because you’re life wasn’t fulfilled, it was cut short by love. My son is an ass, you’re right about that. Anna, my daughter, I love you.” My dad leaned over and kissed Anna’s forehead before he got up to stand next to James. It was finally my turn to speak to her.  

“Anna, I guess I haven’t gotten over the shock. I still don’t believe you’re gone and I don’t ever want to. I want you to beat the shit out of me and tell me I screwed up big time But you can’t. I’m so sorry I did this to you Anna, I really am. I’m not in love with Jessica and I realize now that I never was. I never really knew what love was until I sat here with your limp body in my arms. I completely one hundred percent love you Anna, and I will forever. When I’m down in hell, and you’re up in heaven, I will still have these moments in my head. The last moments I ever had to see you, the very last moments love existed in my heart. I’m never going to be able to feel this way, I hope you realize that. I’m so sorry Anna, I love you Princess.” I kissed her forehead and gave her to James when he looked at her lifeless form.

“Love you baby girl.” I walked into the house with my father and everyone else behind me and sat on the couch. 

“I can’t believe she’s gone.”

“Ashton, you screwed up and now there was an innocent life taken. You should have thought about Anna.”

“That’s exactly what I did! I saw Anna when I kissed her!” Out of nowhere in particular, we hear James scream.

“She’s ALIVE!” I jumped out of the chair and ran to the front door. The door was flung open and the sight I saw lifted my spirits by a million. Anna was on the ground with James tying his torn t-shirt around Anna's wrist trying to stop the bleeding. I can't believe I didn't think about the fact she was still bleeding! I ran over to them and kneeled down by Anna, putting Anna's head in my lap. 

"Come on Anna, you can do it!" 

"IYY Lurb Yew Ashtun." Anna had tears in her eyes. 

"Call an ambulance! Anna, hold on, do NOT give up I can't live without you."


"Anna, I love you." 

"Eye Noah Ashtun."

"Hold on."

"I can't." Her voice was a very faint whisper now.

"Anna, please."

"I................ can't."

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