I Love You Anna

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 Chapter 11 

Ashton’s P.O.V. 

I didn’t believe her. She never had any feelings for me and now all of a sudden she was in love with me too. She was just saying that to make me come back home.

Anna’s P.O.V.

“No you don’t Anna, you don’t love me. Your saying that to get me to go home, but I’m…………..” I didn’t want to hear anymore of this, I cut Ashton off before he could finish.

“You know what Ashton, fine. Don’t come home. I do love you and there’s nothing you can do to change that. But if you don’t believe me, fine. Stay here grieving about something you couldn’t have although the person completely gave you the opportunity. Your family misses you, I miss you, but if you don’t want to come home, that’s…………………. You know what, no. It’s not alright with me. I’ll probably leave too and go back to Carter, I’m not going to lie.”

“You can’t go back to Carter!”

“Are you coming home?”


“Then I’m going with Carter. Goodbye Ashton.” I stormed out of the room. I can’t fucking deal with this anymore. “Fucking gangs have more fucking drama than fucking high fucking school for fuck sake!” I was continuing to storm to my car when I finally started to look around the room. All the guys had their eyes on me again. “What the fuck do you guys want!?” One guy came up and dared to step the hell in front of me.

“Someone’s feisty aren’t they?”

“Shut the hell up!”

“No.” The guy put his hand on my shoulder and I glared at it.

“Get your fucking hand off of me.”

“No.” I drew my hand back and hit the guys nose. Breaking a bone. Score! I turned around and looked around the room at all the both impressed and traumatized guys.

“Anyone else!” Another guy stepped up and I socked him too. He fell to the floor and another guy stood right in front of me. I pulled my fist back and let it go. I heard a crack signaling I broke the guys nose.

“God dammit Anna!” I looked at the guy closer to see that it was Pierce.

“Oh my god. Pierce I am so fucking sorry. I really didn’t mean to.”

“I know Anna. Where’s that James friend of yours?”


“Let me walk you out.” We walked out of the club and to my car and James jumped out.

“Holy shit! How did you get that!? Did someone try to whack Anna and you took the hit instead?” He looked around and looked back at me. “Anna, where’s Ashton?”

“He’s not coming home James. And as for Pierce, I didn’t know it was him, so I threw a punch.”

“Holy shit! I knew you could fight, but damn! Remind me not to get on your bad side.” I started to laugh and so did Pierce. “So he isn’t coming?”

“No. He said it would be too hard on him and I said and I quote myself, ‘I love you Ashton,’ and he said he didn’t believe me and that it was only to get him to come back home.”

“Whoa! My little Annakins said I love you to a guy! Holy shit where’s the camera. You haven’t ever told anyone that you loved them. This must be a pretty special guy then.”

“Fuck off Pierce.”

“No thank you.” James spoke up at a time I really wish he didn’t.

“Um, Annakins?”

“What? And don’t call me that!” Someone grabbed me by the waist and flung me in a circle. They brought their lips crashing to mine. Even though I had absolutely no idea who they were at all whatsoever, I kissed them back. There were strong sparks between me and whoever the hell this person was, but I didn’t want to find out just yet. They traced their tongue across my lips and I opened up. God this was amazing. They brought me even closer to their chest to deepen the kiss and I moaned in the back of my throat. The guy pulled away to look at me but with the lighting I still couldn’t see his face.

“I love you Anna.” Oh my god. It was Ashton.

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