Chapter 1: A Small History Lesson

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Okay, now on to my real story. About 20 someodd years ago, my boyfriend's parents, Belle and Beast, captured my mother and sent her to the Isle of the Lost, the place I was born sixteen years ago.

When I was 12 years old, I found a portal under my bed. It took me to a place called Camp Half-Blood, where I met my half-brother, Percy Jackson. I know that you've heard of him, because there is a whole book series about him, yet I'm not mentioned in any of the books. Anyway, Percy and his girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, taught me how to be good, so that's why I'm part good, and part evil.

The day that I was forced to leave the Isle was the happiest day of my life, though Evie would probably kill me if I said otherwise. When we got to Auradon Prep, I nearly had a heart attack. A couple of nights before I went to Auradon, I had a dream where I was on a picnic with a guy. That "guy" was our guide, the soon-to-be-king, Ben (aka my future boyfriend, but more on that later). When he was talking to Evie, Jay, Carlos, and I, I swear he sounded like he was talking to an entire kingdom. So, I did one of the only things I knew how to do, I made a sarcastic comment. "Or the day that you showed four peoples were the bathrooms are." He started cracking up and and said "A little over the top." I anwsered back "A little more than a little bit." He laughed again and said "So much for a first imperssion." After that, his girlfriend, Audrey, ruied everything. Why, o why did she have to be Sleeping Beauty's daughter? We acted like we didn't have any hard feelings for what our parents and grandparents did, but I'm sure that everyone could feel the tention.

After that, we met Fairy Godmother. The thing that my mother wanted us to do rang in my ears, she wanted us to steal Fairy Godmother's wand.

Doug, Ben's roommate, showed us our dorms. I swear, mine and Evie's room looked someone threw up a pink, floral print allover our room.

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