Chapter 11: Family Day With Demigods, Saytrs, Gods, and Parent's Sworn Enemies

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Today is Family Day at Auradon Prep. I wore one of my best outfits, a red tank top, a small, black t shirt over the tank top, and a black mini skirt. My shoes were small, black wedges. The night before, I put black highlights in my hair to make it stand out more. I had a red bow that was pulling back a little bit of my hair. I also curled my hair and put on makeup, black eyeshadow with cherry red lipgloss.

I looked in the mirror and was shocked. I've changed so much since I came to Auradon. My hair was longer, almost to my waist. I was taller, even without the sandals. I looked more like Percy now, especially with the black highlights that I put in my hair yesterday. I looked in the mirror and saw something new and something brave. Something I've never been (and before you ask, I was not trying to quote from 'If Only', that was a happy accident).

I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked. No one answered. I walked up to the door and opened it.

"SUPERISE!" Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Tyson and Dad all yelled.

"YOU GUYS ARE HERE! Wait, how did you guys get here?" I asked.

"Dad showed us the portal you made, Dark Fairy." Percy explained.

"Why are you guys standing here? Let me hug you guys." I said.

"Um, Maleficent, are you okay?" Dad asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Mal, it's just, well," Annabeth tried was trying to say.

"You've never wanted to hug us before" Grover summed up.

"Things change. Now bring it in people." I said, holding out my arms.

"May as well." Tyson said.

And we all hugged.

Percy just looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You look ama" Percy started.

"Amazing. You look amazing M." Someone finished behind us. It was Evie.

"Whoa, you sure that's her, Evie?" Carlos said behind us.

"Yeah, it's her doufas." Jay said.

"Can we talk with Mal, alone, please? Evie asked.

"Sure. We'll see you downstairs, Maleficent." Dad said, leading everyone downstairs.

When everyone exited down stairs, Carlos said "Your full name is Maleficent?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Sorry that we've been so pushy lately. The pressure that our parents has put on us has gotten to us. But anyway, let's go over the plan. You will grab the wand, Evie will find the limo that got us here, Carlos will nock out the driver, I'll signal you, and we go back to the Isle." Jay explained.

"So you guys thought of this all by yourselves, huh?"

"Yeah." Evie said.



"Hey, you okay?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I responded.

The fairgrounds that held Family Day was beautifully decorated. There was a banner hanging that said "Family Day! Where Goodness Doesn't Get Any Better!" The school's a capella group started singing 'Be Our Guest'. They were awsome, especially Ben. He stood out the most to me. Afterwards, Ben walked up to me and my family. He looked at me and was stunned.

"Wow Mal, you look amazing. I love the way the black looks in your hair, it looks different. The black eyeshadow makes your eyes stand out more."


"Okay, the main reason I came over is because my parents want to meet your family."

"Okay, come this way family."

When my family saw Ben's parents, they freaked. Scratch that last part, Annabeth, Percy, and Grover freaked out.

"OMG! Is that Belle?" Annabeth asked.

"And Beast?" Grover asked.

"OMG! BEN IS BELLE AND BEAST'S SON!" Percy asked, stating the obvious.

"To answer all of your questions, yes that is Belle, yes, that is Beast, and yes, Ben is Belle and Beast's son. You guys cool now?"

All three of them shook their heads yes.

"Oh, is this your family, Mal?" Belle asked.

"Yes, these are my brothers, Percy and Tyson, Percy's best friend, Grover, Percy's girlfriend, Annabeth, and my dad, Poseidon."

"What are we, chopped liver?" Evie asked.

"Oh, and these are my friends, Evie, Jay, and Carlos."

"Poseidon, that's an intresting name." Beast said. "Isn't he the Greek god of the seas?"

"That is who I was named after." Dad said.

Percy and I shared a look. Uh oh. We thought. Can you please not tell them that you are the god of the seas.

"Let's get off the topic of names, shall we?" Annabeth suggested. God bless you Annabeth.

"Let's play some croquet, okay?" Ben suggested.

"Agreed." I said and we all headed to the croquet feild.


"Hello," said this elderly woman, "I've never seen you here before. Have we met?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Grammy!" A girl said behind us.

"Audrey! Give Grammy a kiss." Said the old woman, who I now relized was Queen Leah, as in Sleeping Beauty's mother! I'm toast I thought to my self.

"Grammy, I don't think you should be talking to this girl, unless you feel like taking a 100 year nap."

"Wha" then realization took over her face. "YOU! How are you here! And how have you stayed so young!"

"Before you say anything else, I just want to say I'm sorry about all the trouble that my mother has caused you. Just don't hold anything out on me." I asked.

"Okay." That was all she said. But of course, my friends ruined everything.

They started atacking Queen Leah and almost killed her.

"Come on Mal." Evie said as they ran away, taking me with them.

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