Chapter 20: This Is Where I Leave You

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What the hell! Annabeth and I have been worried sick! When I see you again, I swear that I'm going to kill you!

Mal, calm down.

Really, how am supposed to stay calm when I'm finally hearing from the brother who I thought was dead, explain that to me Percy!

Look, I don't have much time. I'm going on a quest to Alaska. Before you say 'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS SEAWEED BRAIN YOU KNOW THAT ALASKA IS THE LAND BEYOND THE GODS! Wait a minute, you probably don't remember that because you're going on the stupid quest!' I do know that this is stupid and I remember more than the people at Camp Jupiter think. But I don't really have a choice. I want you to meet me and my new friends in Portland, Oregon. Be there tomorrow morning, mainly because I don't know when we will get there. Promise me you will get there. Promise me that Mal!

I promise.

See you soon then.

Percy, PERCY, wait.

And I felt his presence leave my brain.


"He wants you to do WHAT!" Chiron screamed. I finished telling him about my talk with Percy.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I have to do this. If Annabeth got this message, you would let her go. So I'm asking for you to let me go. Please Chiron." I pleaded. I knew this was a slim shot, but I had no choice, I was losing it.

"Fine, but you have to bring two of your mortal friends."

"Sabrina and Ben." I responded, not really thinking.

"Very well. Tell them to get ready to leave."

When I got back, Piper forced me into the Aphrodite cabin.

"Okay, choose a hair dye. I also have purple."

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm not used to seeing you with your natural hair color. So, I want to dye some of it a different color." She explained.

"Purple then, I guess."

After half an hour, some of my har was purple. It was only purple on the bottom of my hair, I like it like that.

"So what did you talk to Chiron about?" She asked.

"Um, I somehow managed to maintain a connection with Percy this morning and we talked. He wants me to go to Alaska."

"Why does he want you to go to the land beyond the gods?" She asked me.

"He jus wants me to come with him." That was the only response I could muster.

"Oh." All was silent.

"I got to go. Bye." Piper didn't respond. She was just quiet.


The next morning, Argus dropped Ben, Sabrina, and I off at the airport.

"Thanks Argus!" I yelled as he drove away.

"Um, was that normal?" Sabrina asked me.

"Yeah, that's normal. Come on, we don't want to miss our flight."

We arrived in Portland for what seemed like centuries later, though Ben said it was 5 hours later. That is the last time I will ever fly on a plane. It was the most frightening thing that I have ever experienced.

When we got off that death machine, we all headed to an outside food court. In the back of all of the food trucks, we saw a man with a weed wacker trying to hurt poor harpys. Three kids were talking to the old man. We walked over. I tried to telepathically communicate with Percy.

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