Chapter 24: When I Fall

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8 days. I've been falling down this stupid hole for 8 days straight. Then I came to an opening. Water was underneath me. I fell in and immediately felt a cold sensation spread across my body.

Fighting is useless. Give up now. I heard voices swimming around my head. I reached the surface and flew out and onto the shore. I found a backpack and a dagger on the ground. I realized that the dagger was Annabeth's. I opened the backpack and saw emergency supplies of nectar and ambrosia.

Percy and Annabeth must really need these. I thought as I saw two figures approaching. It was Percy and Annabeth! When they started moving again, I followed. About 10 minutes later, they caught me after I climbed the cliff.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Percy asked.

"Wow Percy! You want to kill your own sister? That shows how much you love me." I said jokingly.

"Mal, is that you?" Annabeth asked. "How did you get here?" So I explained everything, how Sabrina erased my memory, how my real name is MacKenzie, and how I ended up here.

"That's pretty much it. Oh, by the way, Annabeth, I think you might want these." I said as I pulled out the dagger and the backpack.

"Oh my gods, where did you find these?" Annabeth asked.

"On shore when I actually reached land." I responded.

"We should probably continue walking, we don't want to attract any monsters." Percy said. So we walked, and walked, and walked, and walked.

"Do you guys want to play a game?" I asked after 12 hours of walking nonstop.

"What game?" Annabeth asked.

"What I Miss. You have to say what you miss about a topic, like for this game, what we miss about the world upstairs, and you can't repeat anything. If you do, you're out. If you agree with something another person, you can only say agree." I explained.

"Okay, I'll go first." Percy said. "I miss the sun."

"Agree." Annabeth and I said.

"I miss the stars." Annabeth said.

"Agree." Percy and I said.

"I miss books." I said.

"Agree." Annabeth and Percy said. Annabeth and I were quite.

"Who are you" Annabeth started.

"And what have you done with Percy?" I finished.

"I actually like reading. I started reading a book series called Percy Jackson and the Olympians.Ironically enough, the main character is named Percy Jackson. And a girl named Annabeth is in there." Percy explained.

Annabeth and I looked at Percy. "Percy," I started. "That book series is real. It is your story. Before you ask why I'm not mentioned in the story, it is because the author doesn't know that I exist."

"Okay..... I believe that it is my turn. I miss Camp Half-Blood."

"Agree." Annabeth and I said.

"I miss the Argo II." Annabeth said.

"Agree." Percy and I said.

"Oh god, I think I realized Sabrina's plan." I said, driving focus away from the game.

"Okay, inform us. What is Sabrina's plan." Percy said.

"Think about it. Who is the one person who Sabrina looks like?" I asked them.

"Oh my gods, I think I realized her plan as well." Annabeth said with complete dread.

"Can someone please tell me, because I'm still confused." Percy said, completely oblivious.

"If Sabrina looks like me, then she can get close to Ben. And if she gets close to Ben, she can kill him when she gets the chance." I explained.

"We got to get you back to Ben." Percy said.

Goblins, I thought. I hope Ben isn't as gullible as I think he us.

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