Chapter 4: The Breakup

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After Remedial Goodness 101 ,the class created just for the villan kids, Ben met me by my locker. He gave me the ear piece and microphone right as Audrey was walking over. I stuck my head in a book and listened in.

"So, I got a text saying that we needed to talk." I heard Audrey begin, "What do we need to talk about?"

"There comes a time in every relationship where one or both people loose intrest in the person that they are dating," I began slowly, "Audrey, I'm sorry, but I'm breaking up with you. It's not you, it's me. I've fallen out of love with you. Maybe we weren't ment for eachother. Don't worry, there are plenty of fish in the sea." Ben repeated flawlessly.


"Audrey, don't make this harder for me than this already is."

Then Audery stormed off.

Ben walked over to me afterwards. "That went better than I thought. Do you want to go for a walk?"

"Sure, as long as you understand that this isn't a date."


And we started walking.

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