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"Excuse me, children. Because your parents can't come here for Family Day due to ,ah, distance, we've arranged for a special treat." Fairy Godmother walked over to a computer, and our parents popped onto the screen. Yay, I thought in my mind, I'm forced to talk with my mom for the rest of class. All my mom wanted to talk about was wand this and wand that and when she would see me (read the wand) again. It was starting to get on my nerves. By the time we were done, I thought THANK THE GODS, it's OVER.

"Mal, can you stay behind for a few minutes?" Fairy Godmother asked.

"Sure. I'll catch up guys." I said to Evie, Jay, and Carlos, but they were already out the door.

"I know that you didn't enjoy the video chat with your mom." Fairy Godmother said. "So I have arranged a special treat just for you." She walked back over to the computer, and four familiar faces popped up on the screen.

"Hey Dark Fairy." Percy said, calling me my old nickname.

"Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Tyson? Is that really you?"

"Yeah, Dark Fairy, it's really us." Annabeth said.

"Hey Mal, you ready to go?" Ben yelled across the room.

"Come here Ben, I want you to meet some people." I yelled back.

Ben walked over to where I was. I grabbed his head and kissed him. When we were done, I whispered "I love you Ben."

He jumped into the air and said "She loves me. SHE LOVES ME!"

"Um, sissy, what's going on?" Tyson said.

"Yeah, explain Dark Fairy." Grover added.

"Why do they call you Dark Fairy?"

"It's just a nickname they call me. Everyone, this is my boyfriend, Ben. Ben, these are my two brothers, the lumbering giant is Tyson and the black haired, sea green eyed guy is my twin brother, Percy. The guy with the leg braces is Grover, and the girl holding Percy's hand is Annabeth."

"So nice to meet you, Ben." Annabeth said to Ben, then said to me, "You didn't tell me he was hot!"

"There was a good reason for that, Annie."

"Did you do anything to my sister, Ben." Percy questioned.

"Percy! We did nothing but go on two dates and kiss a couple of times."

"We just said 'I love you' though."


"Got it, not helping."

"You better be good to her Ben."

I tried to give him a look like You. Are. Not. My. Father. So but out.

That must have worked out because he said "Okay, I'm going to shut up now."

"So, Mal, what are you going to do about the "situation"." Grover asked, refering to my mom wanting me to steal Fairy Godmother's wand.

"I'm not going to go through with the dragon's demands." I responded, using the code name for my mother.

"Benny, don't hurt my sissy." Tyson said.

"I wouldn't think of it."

"Hey Mal, we got to go." Percy said.

"Bye guys."

"Nice meeting you Ben." Annabeth said.

"Nice meeting you guys to. Bye." Ben anwsered.

And my family and friends logged off.

"They're a colorful bunch." Ben noted.

"Yeah. That's the easy way to say it. Wanna go get coffe or something?" I said.


Ben and I walked out of Remedial Goodness 101.

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