21: I Dare You To....

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After all of the Alaska drama, which Percy almost died, we headed to Camp Jupiter. The campers were fighting monsters that somehow got into camp. Hazel, Frank, who we just found out could shape-shift, Ben, and Sabrina left to fight them. Percy and I fought a giant. We won, with a little help from Terminus, the Roman god of boundaries. The next day, Leo fired on Camp Jupiter, so now we are fugitives from Rome. Not that I'm not used to this, but it would be different if I wasn't a fugitive.

"I am SO bored!" I said aloud.

"SAME HERE!" Everyone in my room says.

"You guys want to play DARES?" I asked.

"Sure, should we ask Piper, Leo, Jason, Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, and Frank?" Ben asked.

"I'll go ask." I said as I walked out of my room. I found the in the mess hall.

"Do you guys want to play DARES with me and my friends? We're about to start a game." I said.

"Sure, we'll play." Percy said.

"Come on, let's go to my room." I said as they got up and followed me.

"Are we ready to play?" Audrey asked when I entered the room.

"Yeah, I'll go first. I dare everyone here to play 7 minutes of heaven with there boyfriend, girlfriend, or crush." I said.

"Okay, what's 7 minutes of heaven?" Percy asked.

"Basically, you go into a closet and make out for 7 minutes." Evie explained.

"Okay, Annabeth and I'll go first." Percy said.

After 7 minutes, they came out.

"Wowza!" Percy exclaimed.

"That was interesting." Annabeth said.

Then all of the other couples went until Ben and I were left.

Once we got inside the closet, I looked at Ben and whispered "You want to kick it up a notch?" I asked him.

"Sure! What do I have to do?"

"Take off your shirt, turn it inside out, and put it back on." I told him as I unclipped my bra and messed up my hair. Ben did as I said. After we went out of the closet, and everyone starred.

"Oh god, did you guys..." Percy trailed off.

"God no! We were just messing with you guys!" I screamed. Everyone started laughing. I fixed my bra and brushed my hair while Ben took off his shirt to turn his shirt back to before we made the joke. Once he took off his shirt, all the girls fainted.

"OH MY GOBLINS! Seriously!" I said.

Once the girls woke up, they looked around.

"Did we just see Ben's abs?" Sabrina asked.

"Yeah, and you all fainted." I responded.

"I have a dare for Mal, which has to last for the rest of the day." Audrey said.

"Okay, shoot." I responded.

"You have to dress up as a princess."

"Oh HELL no!"

"Guys, walk out please." Jane said sweetly.

"May as well." Jason said. All of the guys walkes out of the room. Audrey pulled out an emreld green dress.

"Put this on." She said. I put it on and walked out.

"Close your eyes." I closed them and heard Ben yell "Audrey, how long is this going to take?"

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