Chapter 13: I Risk My Life To Save Many

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"Mal, hand me the wand, chop chop."

Instead of throwing it to my mom, I threw it to Fairy Godmother. "Bibbity, Bobbity,"

"Boo!" Mom said, mocking Fairy Godmother.

Everyone in the cathedral froze expect for me, Percy, Annabeth, and Ben.

Mom grabbed Fairy Godmother's wand.

"Where shall we begin? I know! Why don't we start by getting rid of this!" Mom said as the ring that Ben gave me on the carriage ride here. "Love is weak. And ridic"

"Let me stop you right there Mom. Love is actually AMAZING. It's not weak. It's strength." I got so mad at mom that I said "And now I command, Wand to my hand!" The suprising thing was, that spell actually worked. The wand flew out of Mom's hands and into mine.

"I think that this is tedious and very immature. GIVE ME THE WAND!"

"Nope!" I said.

"YOU ALL WILL REGRET THIS!" Mom shouted as she turned into a dragon.


"BEN, RUN!" I screamed as my mom went after Ben. He dodged her as is she was a real life version of tourney.

Then Mom turned around and went after me. Percy, Annabeth, and I started running away. Ben caught up with us. Percy tried to cut her, but missed. I tried to stop Mom, but she cut Ben in the arm. I started to run over to him, but he said "Don't worry about me Mal. Kick your mother's but."

I walked up to my mom and said "Leave my friends alone! This is between you and me mother. The strengh of Evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one. The strengh of Evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one. The strengh of Evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one."

Mom and I started staring at each other, trying to get the other to back down. I'm not going down that easy I thought. Eventually, Mom disappeared in a cloud of green smoke. She turned into a small lizard.

I ran over to Ben. "Is he still alive?" I asked Percy and Annabeth.

"Yes, but barley." Annabeth responded.

"Annabeth, can you and Percy look after my mom?" I don't want Percy to see what I'm about to do. I silently thought to Annabeth.

Annabeth seemed to understand, because she said "Okay, come on Percy." Annabeth said, leading Percy away.

I put my hands on Ben's cut, getting his blood on my hands. I felt all of my strengh leaving my body and going into Ben's. This act of healing may as well kill me, but I don't wan't Ben's family living on without him.

"Mal, Mal, what are you doing?!" Percy yelled across the room, though I could barley hear him because I passed out.


"She's waking up! Come on Mal, wake up." My eyes fluttered open to see Ben kneeling over me, along with Percy, Annabeth, and Evie.

"Never....Do.....That....Again." Percy said.

"I won't. I promise."

"You had us worried, M." Evie said.

"That wasn't my intention, E."

"Why did you do that Mal?" Ben asked.

"Because. You're your parent's only child. Dad still has Percy and Tyson. He can afford to lose me. Your parents can't afford to lose you, and neither can Auradon."

"She does have a point Ben." Annabeth said.

"Where are we anyway?" I asked.

"Still at the cathedral." Evie answered.

"Attention, everyone. Now that everyone is awake, I have an announcement. This person has risked her life to save all of Auradon. She willed her mother to turn into a lizard and risked her life to save the new king. Mal, can you please come here." Percy and Annabeth helped me up and Ben walked up to the front with me. "Turn around." Fairy Godmother instructed. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my back. Then I felt like I was carrying sonething extra on my back. "To thank you for saving Auradon, I gave you wings. Your wings can be sucked back into your body if you ever go to your brother's world." I turned around and saw emerald green wings on my back. They seemed to sparkle as I walked.

"Looks like things turned out alright after all." Ben said. But that was only the start of my problems.

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