Chapter 2: Ben Wants To Talk

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After Evie and I settled into our godawful room, I got a text from everybody's favorite king-to-be, Ben

The text read, Hey Mal, it's Ben. I think that we need to talk. Meet me outside of the dorms in 10 minuets.

My response: Why should I?

His response: Because I order you as the soon-to-be-king.

All I could say was: Ugh, FINE!

"Evie, I'm going out."

"Where to?" she questioned.

"Just outside. I'll be fine."

And with that, I left before she could question me further.

Ben was already outside when I got out there.

The first thing he said was "You're a girl, right?"

I thought Um, do I look like a girl to you? Idiot.

"Where is this going, Ben?" I said instead.

"Can I tell you something. If you say yes, you can't tell a soul."

"Okay, shoot."

"I want to break up with Audrey, but I have no idea how to do so. Can you be my fake Audrey?"

"Why me?"

"Because, I know that you'll tell me the truth. And I need the practice."

"Okay. Whatever you want to say, just say it."

"Audery, I'm breaking up with you."

"Let me stop you right there. Ever heard about letting the girl down easy?"

"You think I should do that?"

"Yes. And never blame the girl for you breaking up with her. Always blame yourself."

"Ugh, I'm never going to rember all of this. I have a listening device and a clip on microphone in my dorm, can you tell me what to say so I don't forget?"

"Sure, when are you planning on doing this?"

"Tomorrow after school."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."



On my way back to the dorm, I got a text from Jay, saying that we were meeting in his and Carlos's room. I started walking there, thinking about the conversation I just had with Ben.

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