Chapter 6: My First Date

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The school day was wearing on. At lunch, Ben and I started texting eachother under the table.

"Mal, did you hear what I said?" Carlos asked me.

"What did you say?"

"I was asking you what you thought about Dude."

"Who's Dude?"

"His dog and the campus mutt." Jay anwsered for Carlos. "We all said what we think, now it's your turn."

Wait, he had a dog? I thought.

"Oh, he's cute." I said, then I went back to texting Ben on my phone.

"What's going on with you Mal?" Evie questioned. "You seem to be happier. Not to mention that you're wearing your hair down."

"Yeah, so."

"You've NEVER wore your hair down on the Isle."

"I'm trying a new hair style."

"No excuse for the sudden change."


Then I stormed off.

"Mal, MAL." It was Ben. "What's wrong?"

"I took your advice about my additude, but my friends noticed that and my change of hair style, so I may have lost it."

"Calm down, okay."


"See you tonight at 6."

"See you tonight."

I went back to the table and Evie, Jay, and Carlos looked at me.

"Not to get on your case Mal, but is there something going on between you and Ben?" Carlos questioned.

"NOTHING IS GOING ON!!" Ben and I screamed at the same time. Apparently his friends were giving him a hard time to. We both stormed off, not saying a word.


Later that night, I got dressed in black combat boots, black jeans, purple tank top, and a black leather jacket with my dragon emblem on the uper left side. I decided to leave my hair down because Ben likes it like that. I it curled slightly to make it seem like I styled it. 5 minuets later, I got a text from Ben. It read : I'm downstairs when you're ready.

"Evie, I'm going out. I'll be back late." I left before she could ask where I was going.

Something was wrong with Ben. The first view I got of Ben kinda shocked me. His hair was messy, like he just got out of bed. He wore blue jeans, a yellow shirt, and an Auradon Prep fleece jacket. When he saw me, his eyes seemed to bulge out of his head, mine probably looked like that to.

"Wow Mal, you look......"

"Same to you Ben."

"Ready to go."


"Hope you like bikes." Ben said as he tossed me a helmet.

We both hopped onto his Vespa and we went on the date.


"Where are we?" I asked.

"The Auradon Yearly Carnival. It's a big deal for my family. And I want them to meet you."


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