Chapter 25: This Is Ben Writing, And I'm Not That Gullible

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This is Ben writing, and may I say, I'm not that gullible.

Yes sweety, you kinda are.

But out Mal.

I'm sorry, but you kinda are. Remember the first day of school for Evie, Jay, Carlos, and I? You asked us why we were so tired. Our response was we were used to different sleep schedules.

Yes, I remember that. Why is that an example of my gullibility?

Because, King Ben, we really broke into a museum the nigt before.


Great job Evie.

You mean that you haven't told him that yet!

Yes Carlos, I haven't told him that yet. Now he knows because of Evie.

I'm sorry, I thought you told him.

You blew it Evie.

Thank you Jay, for rehashing that.

Your welcome Evie.

That was sarcasm. Just saying.

I think that all of you are forgetting something.

The vks: What?

That this is my chapter, so stop writing in my chapter.

Drama King.


What? You are overreacting.

Not funny Mal. Can I please start my chapter without anymore interupretions?

Just one more interpretation. When do we get to write our own chapter?

Soon. Now let's let Ben write his chapter.

Thank you Mal. Now. On with the story.

Right away, when we got onto the Argo II, I noticed that Mal wasn't acting like Mal. She was acting to girly.

"Mal, what are you doing?" Piper asked as Mal walked into the room.

"Changing my clothes. They got water all over them." Mal responded.

"I was in that room with you, and I don't care about my clothes." Piper said.

Mal got out clothes from Sabrina's drawer. Why was she doing that? Mal's clothes were on the other side. She got out a black dress from Sabrina's side. A dress. At that point, I knew that whoever was pretending to be Mal wasn't doing a good job.

"Mal, what in Hades are you doing?" I asked her. Jason taught me some of the lingo that demigods use. I'm using that lingo so that I can fit in better.

"What do you mean Benny-Boo? I'm getting clothes from my sidenof the dresser." Mal anwsered.

Okay, that is not Mal. I thought. Piper pounced on top of the imposter. I finally got a closer look at her eyes. Blue, not green.

"Sabrina? What the actual Hades are you doing?" I asked her.

"What do you mean? I'm MacKenzie, not Sabrina."

"Okay," Piper said. "If you really are Mal, then who did you tell about your real name?"

"Um...Ben, Evie, and Jay." Sabrina anwsered, unsure.

"Errr. Wrong." Piper said, then yelled upstairs. "Leo, we need a dirty sock and some duct tape down here."

"Why Piper?" Leo asked from upstairs.

"Sabrina is pretending to be Mal. I have a theory that she git rid of Mal by pushing her down the hole that Percy and Annabeth disappeared through." By the hole, Piper ment Tartarus. We gagged Sabrina and locked her in the horse stables. That's it.

That's not true.

What do you mean Evie?

I was there you idiot. Piper was no where in sight. I was in the room with you.

That means nothing.

Yes, it kinda does. Besides, we're co-writing this chapter.

No we aren't.

Yes we are.

It's true Ben. I gave Evie permission to co-write this chapter with you.


Because I don't believe your side of the story one bit. Evie, tell your side of the story. Ben, you can't interrupt Evie while is talking.

Yes mam.

Okay, this is my side of the story, the correct side. Once we all got abord the Argo II, I noticed that Mal wasn't acting right. She was skipping. SKIPPING! The Mal I know would never skip. Then she skipped up to Ben and kissed him on the lips. Why was she doing that? If she does kiss Ben, she doesn't do it in public. There are a few exceptions, but this wasn't one of them.

I cornered Mal in our bedroom.

"Okay, what's going on?" I asked her.

"Nothing. Why are you asking?" Mal asked.

"You're acting weird. Quick question, at what age did we become friends?" I asked her. If she said 16, then she really was Mal.

"Our whole lives silly!" She responded. Okay, I thought. Who are you and what have you done with Mal.

Suprisingly, I got an anwser. Because I'm not Mal. I'm Sabrina. As long as Ben doesn't find out, I'm home free.

Sabrina, you are so going to get killed when Ben finds out.

As long as he doesn't find out, I can't be killed. Now walk away and never tell anyone about this conversation.

So I turned away, and went to find someone who would believe me. First I tried Ben. He, of course, didn't believe. Then I tried everyone from either the Isle or Auradon. They didn't believe either. I tried Hazel, Jason, Frank, Nico, and Coach Hedge. They didn't believe me either. Finally, I got two people who would believe me. Thank you Piper and Leo.

"I have a plan." Piper said.

"Well don't hide it Beauty Queen, just say it." Leo said.

"I'll luer Sabrina to the horse stables on the bottom deck. Leo, you make a gag, hand it to Evie, and Evie ties it to her head. Then we throw Sabrina into the stables." Piper explained.

"Good plan, but there is one tiny problem with that. Frank sleeps next to the stables. If Sabrina manages to speak through the gag, Frank could hear her." I said.

"I got that covered. You guys can come in now!" Piper yelled. Frank, Hazel, Jason, Nico, Coach Hedge, Audrey, Chad, Jane, Jay, Lonnie, Doug, Carlos, and Ben all walked out.

"Sorry we didn't believe you Evie. But now we do, since we noticed Mal's weird behavior." Ben said.

"You guys ready?" Piper asked.

"Yeah." Everybody said. The rest of Ben's story is true.

Thank you, Evie. For telling the world that I couldn't recognize my own girlfriend.

Your welcome. Mal, tell us about your time in Tarturas.

Okay, I will, next chapter.

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