Chapter 12: The Coronation

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Ben's coronation was going smoothly, right up until my mom showed up. Okay, let me back track a little bit. The morning of the corination. Evie had a lot of free time since the whole school was ignoring Evie, Jay, and Carlos. Ben and I were the only people who would talk to them, so we were also ignored by the whole school.

The dress Evie made me was amazing. It was a beautiful sea green. It looked so much like Percy's eyes, I thought that Evie took a close up picture of his eyes and found a fabric that looked the exact same shade. The top part looked like a tank top that kinda sparkled. It flared out at the waist and it sparkled a little more. Evie put my hair up in a bun. I started fingering with the necklace that Percy gave me this morning. It wasn't anything fancy, just four charms on a piece of purple thread, but the charms were different. One was two dragons in the shape of a heart, my birthmark, ironically enough. Another one was a snake, Jay probably. Another was a chipped crown, Evie maybe. The last one was two thigh bones, two of the halves was black, Carlos. Four charms in total. They all represented my friends. I didn't like betraying them, but I don't have a choice, especially if I want to protect my family and Ben.

"Hey, Ben's here." Evie said. I started walking out. Evie grabbed my arm and said "Don't mess up. All the pressure is on you, Mal."

Great. Thank you for reminding Evie. I thought as I walked down stairs.


"Ben, there's something I need to tell you." I told Ben while we were in the carriage.

"What is it?"

"Half of me comes from this world. The other half comes from a world of greek gods and monsters. My mother is Maleficent, the evilest fairy of them all. My father is Poseidon, the greek god of the seas. Percy and Tyson are my half brothers. I have seen things that you can't dream of. I've survived a war against some of the most powerful beings in the world, the Titans, and every summer since I was 12, I've been going to a summer camp called Camp Half-Blood, for special kids like me and my brothers." I said really fast.

"So to sum up, your a war veteran, your half brothers are related to you on our dad's side, and you've been going to a summer camp since you were 12? Anything else I should know?"

"Oh yeah! Tyson's a cyclops!"

"Delightful. Hey Mal, will you wear my ring?" Ben said, holding up his beast head ring.


"Because, you're my girlfriend and I don't want anybody to hit on you, you know, since you're my girlfriend."

"You said that already."

"I know, I just like repeating myself."

We just appeared at the cathedral for Ben's coronation. People were taking constant pictures of me and Ben, as well as one person was recording everything. Mom was watching my every move. I got so scared that I stumbled.

"Mal, are you okay?" Ben asked me.

"I'm fine." I said, my voice horse.

"You sure?" Ben asked.

I nodded my head yes, then we walked into the cathedral.

"Good luck." I said to Ben as I was escorted to my seat. I was right in front. The perfect place to keep Fairy Godmother's wand safe.

Percy saw me and we started talking in our mind, a thing we can do thanks to our Dad.

You aren't going to steal the wand, are you sis? Percy spoke in my mind.

Of course not, why would you think that?

Because you have your mother's blood in your body.

I'm not doing it.

Whatever you decide, Annabeth, Grover, Tyson, and I are behind you.

That was the last I heard from him because the coronation started.


"Do you solmely swear to govern the peoples of Auradon, with justice and mercy, as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asked Ben.

"I do solmely swear."

"Then it is my honor, and my joy, to bless our new king." Fairy Godmother was about to bless Ben, when something grabbed the wand, no, someone. Jane.

"Child, what are you doing!" Fairy Godmother asked.

"I'm trying to protect Auradon! Bibbity, Bobbity, Boo." Jane exclaimed.

The wand started sparking. It shot a single bolt of magic out of the building. To keep Jane safe, I did a really stupid thing, I wrestled Jane for the wand.

"Let go of the wand Jane."

She did as I asked and let go of the wand. It immediately stopped sparking.

Evie, Jay, and Carlos rushes towards me, but Percy, Annabeth, Tyson, and Grover held them back.

"You got this Mal." Percy said.

"Let them go."


"I said let them go. I want to talk to them."

Annabeth, Percy, Tyson, and Grover let them past.

"Come on Mal, revenge time." Jay said.

"I don't want to do this guys. It doesn't make me happy. Jay, stealing doesn't make you happy, tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy. Carlos, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy, ironically enough. Evie, I feel like I'm seeing you for the first time here. You're just being yourself. I don't want to take over the world, I want to go to school, and be with Ben. He is the first person in a long time to actually make me happy. I choose good you guys." I looked at my friends and put my hand in the middle.

Evie looked me straight in the eye and said "I choose good."

"I choose good." Jay also said.

"If our parents find out, they're going to be so mad."

Evie, Jay, and I started murmuring that they were going to be so mad.

Ben perked up and said, "Your parents can't reach you here."

"Okay, I choose good."

Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson gathered around and put their hands in the middle to. Then I turned around and looked at Ben. He walked up and put his hand in to.

About 1 minute later, my mother appeared.

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