Chapter 4: ...Is It OK?

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Krystal was in an excellent mood when they arrived at the Tokyo Dome for the morning rehearsal. She and her members talked and joked loudly with each other as they walked through the staff entrance in search of their dressing room.

"Hey, it's f(x)!" someone shouted, rushing over towards them. Krystal instantly recognized the voice as Jonghyun of SHINee. She rolled her eyes playfully as the five members of the sunbae group went through their usual joke of treating the f(x) members like celebrities and asking for their autographs.

"Are you top drama actress Jung Soo Jung?" Taemin asked, opening his eyes wide in awe. "I'm so honored to meet you! Sign my stomach!" he said, lifting his shirt. Krystal covered her mouth in shock, unable to contain her laughter.

"Don't make me hit you," Victoria threatened jokingly, causing Taemin to lower his shirt sheepishly.

"How are things with the drama?" Minho asked, putting an arm on Krystal's shoulder. She leaned comfortably into his side and started to complain openly.

"The hours are too long and there are so many lines to learn and too many scenes to shoot," she said with a pout. "It's a lot of fun but I'm tired from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep."

"Sounds pretty typical," he agreed, "But the schedules are going to get worse as you get closer to the end of the drama. The writing falls behind and everything is filmed at the last minute. Be prepared," Minho warned as Krystal groaned at the thought of an even more overwhelming filming schedule. The nine idols chatted amicably with each other for a few moments before deciding to part ways to prepare for rehearsals.

"Where's are the dressing rooms?" Amber asked, looking around for the signs.

"SHINee's room is right over there," Key answered, pointing down one of the hallways. "I think f(x) is down that way..." he trailed off. His expression drooped a bit and Krystal turned to look where he was pointing.

Rounding the corner were the 8 members of Girls' Generation. They were chatting happily without noticing Krystal or the others. In that moment, Krystal felt both angry and scared. She wanted to confront them regarding her sister, but she wanted to hide at the same time. Her f(x) members and the SHINee members were silently gauging her reaction, concerned but unsure of what they should do.

Tiffany noticed Krystal first and stopped in her tracks, causing a small traffic jam amongst her members. The Girls' Generation members looked to Tiffany, and then turned to find Krystal there and also froze. It was as awkward of a silence as Krystal had ever experienced.

After a few moments of the unbearable tension, Onew spoke first. He clapped his hands together and in a cheerfully awkward kind of way he asked, "Is everyone ready for the rehearsal?" No one responded to him, although Krystal saw Luna shaking her head at him ever so slightly from the corner of her eye.

"Soo Jung-ah..." Tiffany started to say with a pained look on her face, but the affectionate manner in which she called Krystal's name cause Krystal to snap and find her resolve. She didn't want to be on affectionate terms with the Girls' Generation members, not anymore.

"Girls' Generation sunbaes," Krystal said in a formal tone, not looking at any member in particular, "let's continue to be professional with each other. Good luck with your rehearsals." She bowed deeply before turning and walking away. She had said the first words that had come out of her mouth, and was frankly somewhat relieved that she had subconsciously been able to hold back her hateful comments. After all, they were her seniors in the company and there were too many other people around. There was nothing else Krystal could have said.

"Soo Jung!" Amber called, running after the younger girl. Krystal turned down the nearest hallway and stopped in order for Amber to catch up.

"Is anyone else following you?" Krystal asked immediately.

Amber shook her head and tried to catch her breath. "No, they're all still back there being awkward."

Krystal sighed heavily and leaned against the wall. "That was so lame just now," she sighed, replaying the scene in her head. "I prepared all this stuff to say to them and I couldn't say any of it."

"I don't think you could have said anything else in that situation," Amber reasoned. "I mean, it was 8 against 1 and you had an audience." She nudged Krystal gently with her shoulder to show her support. "We'll go talk to them privately later, after they get to their dressing room. We'll make it 8 against 2 and you can say whatever you want to say."

Krystal shook her head, pulling away from Amber. "Don't do that. Don't turn it into an 'us versus them' situation."

"Of course it's us versus them. You can't bottle up your feelings forever. If you want to talk to them, let's go talk to them," Amber said, slipping her hand into Krystal's. "Whatever you want, I'm here for you."

Krystal smiled and interlocked her fingers with Amber's. "I know you are and I'm really grateful for that, but I think we need to leave this situation alone."

"Soo Jung..."

"Think about it: f(x) is by far the lesser group here. If we turn this thing with my sister into an f(x) versus Girls' Generation fight, you know the company will side with Girls' Generation. I don't want that to happen," Krystal decided. "Besides, you're friends with all of them. You're doing a stage with Seohyun-unnie later. It's not like you can stop talking to them."

"I would stop talking to them for you," Amber said, taking Krystal's other hand into her own. "Seriously, your feelings mean more to me than all of them put together."

Krystal slowly tilted her head and gave the older girl a sad smile. "Don't be so devoted to me, Am. This princess is just gonna break your heart one day."

"Every time I see you unhappy, you're already breaking my heart."

"God, you must think you're so smooth when you say stuff like that," Krystal laughed, pulling Amber into a hug. "Thanks for always being here."

Amber smiled and returned the hug. "Any time, Princess-nim."

"And now," Krystal announced, pulling away from Amber, "you will march back there, assuming the awkward mess is still there, and tell everyone to continue acting like they were before and to not tiptoe around me. I'm not gonna be talking to Girls' Generation any time soon, but that doesn't mean you guys can't still be friends."

"And you're really sure that you want to just leave this like this? You don't want to talk to them about Jessica-unnie AT ALL?"

Krystal nodded firmly and gave a response that was just as firm. "I'm 200% sure. And I can always change my mind in the future, can't I?"

Amber sighed, but nodded her OK with Krystal's plan. "I can't tell if you're being strong or stupidly selfless,"

"Probably more stupid than anything else."

"Hey, you're stronger than you think you are," Amber said, taking Krystal's hand again. "I bet you're even stronger than I think you are."

"If I was strong, don't you think I'd be telling the Girls' Generation unnies this myself?" Krystal asked with a rueful smile.

"Maybe," Amber reasoned, "but then what would be the point of having a servant if you couldn't use her for stuff like this?"

Krystal smiled and lifted their joined hands. She brought her lips to the back of Amber's hand. Amber did the same and kissed the back of Krystal's hand, their lips separated only by their interlocked hands.

"Go," Krystal said, nudging Amber forward. "I'll be there in a few minutes. Break up the awkwardness. Use your llama charm."

Amber nodded and walked away slowly to keep their hands together for as long as possible. "You are strong, Jung Soo Jung. Remember that."

"Yeah," Krystal agreed. "I'll try to remember."

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