Chapter 45: My Style

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Krystal had endured many challenges over the last year, but none of them seemed to bring her as much suffering as the current task at hand. As Krystal stood in the kitchen of her parents' home, her face covered in flour, Krystal felt that this would likely be the first and last time she would ever bake a cake with Amber's "help".

Krystal wiped her cheek with the back of her hand and scowled at Amber, who had smeared the flour on her face in the first place. Her hand came away with a thick layer of white powder on it and she wondered how much more flour was still stuck on her face. The younger girl turned an icy glare at Amber, but the older girl merely smiled in return.

"Are you gonna add more chocolate to the batter or not?" Amber asked, extending her flour-coated fingers threateningly at Krystal in case the younger girl refused again.

"You really think putting more flour on my face is gonna change my mind?" Krystal asked in a dangerously calm tone. "That's not how this works."

"Oh really?" Amber rubbed her floury fingertips together with a mischievous smirk. "Care to test your theory?"

"Only if you want to feel my fist in your face," Krystal coolly retorted. "You know I'd do it, and I'd do it with a smile."

"You sadist."

"Takes one to know one." Krystal stood across the table from Amber with her fist raised, daring Amber to try and approach her with her flour-coated fingers.

"Fine, I give up," Amber said meekly even though she knew that Krystal would never seriously hit her with the intention of inflicting pain. Her princess's past fits of physical violence had always been performed in jest, and Amber actually liked that aspect of their playful relationship. Amber lowered her hands with the guise of calling a truce, but in the instant that it took for Krystal to turn her head and reach for a towel to wipe off her face, Amber darted around to Krystal's side of the table with a devilish grin. "Nevermind, I'll risk that punch to the face."

The older girl quickly pinned Krystal's arms to her sides in a powerful, one-armed hug, and then used her free hand to smear more flour across Krystal's previously flour-free forehead. Krystal struggled and squealed and tried as hard as she could to hit Amber like she had threatened, but Amber's defense was impenetrable.

"More chocolate!" Amber demanded with an evil laugh as she ran her snowy fingers over Krystal's face. "Put more chocolate into the batter!"

"Stop it, stupid!" Krystal cried, struggling to free herself. "I'll add more chocolate, just let me go!"

Amber let out a victory cheer as she released Krystal from her hold, but the cheer was short-lived as Krystal quickly pelted Amber in the face with a small handful of flour.

"Hey," Amber sputtered, shaking flour out of her hair. "But you said you'd add more chocolate..."

"You were the one who lied first," Krystal pointed out, sticking out her tongue at the older girl. She steeled her heart against Amber's pitiful pout. "If you want more chocolate, ask me nicely or you get nothing."

"Fine... please, oh glorious Princess-nim to whom I have the honor of serving." Amber bent at the waist and bowed a full 90 degrees to Krystal, who watched the act with an amused smile on her face. "Your loyal servant humbly begs that you kindly add more chocolate to the cake batter." The older girl raised her head slightly and looked up at Krystal with a serious expression. "Should I kiss your feet now or something?"

The younger girl smirked. "A kiss on the lips should suffice." Amber did as her princess asked and the two girls shared a warm kiss. "Was that so hard?" Krystal wondered as she added more chocolate to the cake mix with a smile.

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