Chapter 68: All Mine

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There were so many things that Amber wanted show the world about Krystal. From her adorable little habits to her warm and generous heart, Amber wanted everyone to see the Krystal that she got to see and to love Krystal the way she loved Krystal. But at the same time, Amber wanted to keep Krystal all to herself.

On Sunday following the SMTOWN Live V concerts in Osaka, no one noticed Amber sneak into Krystal's hotel room late at night. Krystal's roommate, Luna, remained asleep as Amber used a spare key card to enter and rouse her slumbering girlfriend.

Under the faint glow from Krystal's cell phone as she checked the time, Amber smiled at Krystal with affection as Krystal groggily tried to comprehend the situation.

"It's 11pm and you want to film my music video part now?" Krystal whispered, repeating back the scenario that Amber had just explained.

"Only if you're interested," Amber clarified. "Yours is the only part left to film and I feel like I'm running out of time to finish this. I know we planned to film it tomorrow, but can we do it now?" SM had already prepared a music video for f(x)'s "All Mine", but Amber had a last minute idea for the video and barely less than a week to turn an idea into reality. "Please?" Amber added sweetly, sensing her girlfriend's reluctance to get out of bed.

Krystal cast the older girl a sleepy yet exasperated look. Without another word, she got out of bed, quietly grabbed her makeup bag and phone, and led Amber out of the dark hotel room by the hand. Only after they exited the room, with Luna still sound asleep within, did Krystal speak again.

"Stupid, how am I supposed to say no if you ask me nicely like that? Let's go film the music video."

Amber smiled and squeezed Krystal's hand tightly. "You're awesome, you know that?"

Krystal returned the smile faintly, the only hint of acknowledgement that the embarrassed, young girl could offer, and then began to walk towards Amber's room. "Come on, I'll do my makeup in your room."

In less than thirty minutes, Krystal and Amber made their way to the spacious parking garage of the hotel and began to film. Their only company was an elderly night shift guard who kindly gave them permission to film, and then showed no interest in what the couple was doing. Armed with a camera and a cell phone playing "All Mine", Amber was ready to capture what would likely be the most popular scenes from f(x)'s newest music video.

"Come on, work it for the camera," Amber called out to Krystal. From opposite sides of the camera, cinematographer Amber Liu held hands with idol Krystal Jung to give the illusion that idol was holding the camera on her own. Krystal danced energetically while lip syncing to the music. But as hard as Krystal was working, Krystal's shy awkwardness was apparent on camera.

"Cut, cut," the older girl announced, gently pulling the camera out of Krystal's hands. She replayed the last bit of filming for Krystal, pointing out the awkwardness to the younger girl. "You've gotta loosen up a little bit and have some fun!"

"But it's so embarrassing," Krystal laughed shyly, covering her face with her hair. "It'd be easier to act silly and stuff if you or Luna-unnie or Vic-unnie were doing it with me."

"We are all doing it with you. Just not at the same time," Amber joked. She had already explained her vision for the 'All Mine' music video with the members, which had each member filming solo and then combining all four streams at once. "And if you recall, you nearly blew my eardrum when you interrupted my filming earlier," she teased. "Now come on, let's try again," Amber encouraged, lifting up the camera.

Krystal continued to cover her face with her hair. "No seriously," she giggled, "I really can't do this!"

Amber eyed her shy girlfriend with amusement. "Is laughing and dancing in front of a camera really that embarrassing to you? More embarrassing than wearing Minnie Mouse slippers in public?"

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