Epilogue: Traveler

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August, 2023

It was pitch black outside as Amber drove her Jeep down a deserted stretch of highway. Krystal was on the verge of falling asleep in the back seat. She had wanted to sit in the passenger seat next to Amber to keep her entertained during the long drive, but Krystal knew she didn't even have enough energy at the moment to keep herself awake. Therefore, she relinquished her seat to Luna.

Even though 14 years had passed since their debut as f(x), Luna was still the same bright vitamin that she always was. Over the roar of the Jeep's engine, even while skimming the borders of sleep, Krystal could hear Luna's voice clearly talking and making sure Amber stayed alert. Luna cracked the passenger side window a bit to get some fresh air into the car, letting in a cool blast of night air. Krystal instinctively sidled up to Victoria in the backseat for warmth and the older girl responded by stroking her hair lovingly.

Krystal could hear Luna telling Amber all about her latest musical, which was performing well. Luna was the most active member music-wise these days. 4 years had passed since f(x) had unofficially retired right after their ten year anniversary comeback. No official disbandment was announcement, but the lack of group comebacks was just as loud. The members no longer saw each other as often as they used to, but they kept in close contact as much as their schedules allowed.

It was better that f(x) wasn't officially disbanded because Krystal still liked to think of them as a cohesive team even though they were typically scattered across the world. And on a day like today, the first time in a long time that all the members were together, it was easier to feel that f(x) still existed. Today was a day for catching up, for having fun, for remembering what it was like to be young.

Amber started to ask Luna about her daughter. Like all the members, Luna had grown up and gotten married. And she was already well on her way to growing the big family she always wanted with a two year old son and now a nearly one year old daughter as well.

"Hey hey," Victoria quickly interrupted upon hearing Luna's daughter's name being mentioned. "We promised not to talk about kids and spouses today," she reminded them. Today, and only today, they were not allowed to talk about family. Family was important to all the f(x) members, but talking about family also meant acknowledging all the responsibilities that came along with being wives and mothers. Since this was a rare chance for all of them to recapture their youth, family talk was off limits for one night.

"Fiiiine," Amber relented. "But tomorrow I wanna hear all about how your marriage is going."

"Fine, I've got plenty to tell you guys anyway," Victoria agreed, patting their obedient driver on the head. Victoria had married a fellow Chinese actor earlier in the year. It was the talk of the town in China as well in their f(x) group chat. The members had all taken part in the ceremony, but they hadn't seen Victoria since the wedding and there was only so much that could be discussed in text format. They had a lot to catch up on tomorrow.

Victoria settled back into her seat, accidentally bumping into Krystal as she did so. The maknae sat up fully, giving up on trying to fall asleep for the moment.

"Look, you made me wake the baby," Victoria joked, pulling Krystal closer.

Krystal laughed. Victoria was still as playful as she had always been. Her major successes as an actress and singer in China hadn't swelled her head at all. If she was considered the queen of China when they were younger, there are no words to describe her massive popularity now. Empress of China? Supreme ruler? Victoria had many nicknames these days, but she was still Vic-omma to f(x).

"How many miles left until we get there?" Krystal asked.

"Mmm...10 miles?" Amber estimated. She glanced over at Luna who confirmed the number. They would be coming up on their desired coordinates soon.

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