Chapter 15: Surprise Party

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It was Thursday night, the eve of Krystal's 20th birthday, and Krystal was in a rather grumpy mood. After receiving the day off on Monday to help her recover from last Saturday's fainting spell, Krystal felt like the drama production team was trying to work her to exhaustion again. Tonight's filming was expected to end at 4pm, but she hadn't been released until well past 6pm. And now Krystal was being driven home by her manager, who was describing a rather bleak filming schedule for tomorrow given that tomorrow was her birthday.

"The shooting is scheduled until 8pm, but the production team said to expect delays since the scripts are behind schedule again," Krystal's manager explained. "You might be stuck on set pretty late tomorrow." Krystal groaned and her manager grimaced apologetically while keeping his eyes on the road. "I know, the schedule sucks. But there's not much we can do about it."

"But I have a birthday party planned for tomorrow night! Vic-unnie and the others are coming over to my house!" Krystal pouted. She had been looking forward to the plans since Amber had revealed them to her on Monday. So much coordination had been required to align the f(x) members' schedules, but all 5 of them would be free Friday night to celebrate Krystal's birthday.

"Sorry, Soo Jung," her manager apologized, "but our staff will celebrate with you between filming tomorrow. It'll still be a fun birthday, I promise!"

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks, oppa," Krystal said with a sigh. She appreciated her manager-oppa's attempt at cheering her up, but this wasn't the birthday she had in mind. But like many things in her life lately, Krystal was learning how to accept unexpected changes.

"Maybe you can reschedule the party with your members this weekend?" he suggested, but Krystal shook her head.

"You know their schedules better than I do. It's impossible," Krystal replied sulkily.

Her manager put a sympathetic hand on her head as they approached Krystal's parents' house. "Only two more weeks of filming left. Hang in there, Soo Jung."

Krystal responded with a half-hearted nod and hopped out of the van. To her surprise, she noticed that Jessica's car was parked in the driveway. Her sister had been out of the country and wasn't expected to be back until Saturday, the day after her birthday.

"This is unnie's car! She's home!" Krystal exclaimed, turning around to look at her manager-oppa. "Did you know about this?"

"No, I didn't. Really!" he exclaimed defensively upon receiving a suspicious glare from Krystal. "Go inside and ask her if you don't believe me."

Heeding his advice, Krystal quickly ran to the door after saying goodbye to her manager. She missed her sister terribly having been away from Jessica for over two weeks. The Jung sisters were incredibly close, and Krystal couldn't wait to greet her sister and catch up on all of the events in each others lives. She quickly unlocked the door and ran inside the house, excitedly calling for her sister.

"Jessic--!!" Krystal stopped mid-shout, surprised by the audience in front of her. She had only expected to find her parents and her sister at home, but 4 other familiar faces were waiting for her as she walked through the door. Standing before Krystal, grinning from ear to ear, were her four f(x) members. Jessica stood there as well, holding out a beautiful birthday cake with one lit candle on top. A little further behind her members and her sister were Krystal's parents. Her father was video taping the event while her mother was busily snapping pictures of everyone.

"Happy birthday!" the girls shouted, but Krystal just stared back at them in surprise.

"What is this?" she wondered in awe, dazed as the f(x) members swarmed her in a group hug. "Wasn't the party supposed to be tomorrow night?"

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