Chapter 6: Signal

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Beef, beef, and more beef. Krystal Jung was in heaven.

"One more plate of beef!" Leeteuk called out, flagging down a passing waitress. She nodded with a smile, indicating that their order would be arriving shortly.

"Oppa, there's no way we're gonna be able to finish another plate!" Amber protested, but the Super Junior members sitting near her laughed and dismissed her concern.

The members of Super Junior and f(x) were seated in a private room of the hotel restaurant, enjoying delicious cuts of beef that they were cooking themselves on a grill. Even though Krystal had not been allowed to join the "Hope" performance at the SMTown concert earlier that evening and play with Super Junior like their deal had called for, the Super Junior members were fully comitted to feeding Krystal beef until she was too full to move. As soon as the plate of fresh beef arrived, the Super Junior members were quick to remove the freshly cooked pieces from the grill before piling all the raw meat on it.

"Here Amber, eat your share," Donghae said, dropping a cooked piece onto Amber's empty plate with a devilish smile.

"Oppa, nooooooo," Amber whined, pushing the plate away and dropping her head on the table in defeat. "Too... full..."

Luna laughed and leaned over the table, skillfully snatching Amber's meat with her chopsticks. "More for me, then!" she cried, and the Suju members chanted her name appreciatively.

"Luna, Luna, Luna!"

"Soo Jung, too!" Ryeowook said, moving to put another piece of meat on Krystal's plate. "There's still plenty left!"

Krystal quickly put her arms over her plate to protect it. "No! I'm full too!"

"Impossible!" Amber roared, lifting her weary head. "The princess is never too full for beef! Impostor!!"

Krystal shot her a playful glare. "You, shush!" She pointed her finger at Amber and Amber immediately dropped her back onto the table with an obedient thud.

Leeteuk, who was sitting closer to Krystal, took the piece from Ryeowook and hovered it in front of Kystal's mouth.

"Say 'ahhh', Soo Jung-ah!" he said, but she clamped her mouth shut with a smile and shook her head.

"Stop it, oppa," Victoria chided, snatching the piece of meat away from Leeteuk and putting it onto her own plate. "You're going to make her hate beef if you keep forcing it on her."

"Never!" Krystal declared, "I'll never hate beef in a million years even if I eat it every day for every meal!"

Victoria laughed and picked up the beef again, thrusting it at the maknae. "OK, then eat it!"

Krystal adorably covered her mouth with her hands and shook her head. "I'm happy, I'm full, and I need sleep," Krystal announced, standing up and stretching. She looked around the table and offered the Super Junior members a sleepy but grateful smile. "Thanks for the dinner everyone, it was delicious."

"Time for bed?" Amber asked her princess, to which Krystal nodded with a yawn. "The princess has spoken! We'll be leaving first then," Amber announced, standing up as well. "Thanks for dinner, oppas. It was great."

"No, stay," urged Krystal, motioning Amber to sit back down. "I'll just head upstairs first."

Amber laughed and raised her hands in a "no" motion. "I think I ate so much meat that I don't need to eat meat for a year," she joked, to which Krystal raised a hand to cover her mouth, scandalized, and exclaimed, "Blasphemy!"

"I'm done too, everyone," Victoria agreed. She stood up and thanked the Super Junior members. "Are you staying here, Sun Young-ah?" she asked Luna as the younger member quickly ate the last forkful of meat on her plate.

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