A/n I finally decided to update I'm really sorry
*Chris's POV*
I woke to my annoying alarm clock. I turned it off by throwing it at the wall. I finally got up after 15 minutes and gotten to the bathroom before the boys. Oh did I forget to mention that I live with the boys now. Anyways I gotten to the bathroom and took a shower listening to the boy's songs and covers, jamming out and looking at my cuts.
"Hey can you hurry up in there lil asian!" Yelled Calum through the door.
"I'll be out in a minute!" I yelled back to Calum. I turned off the water and stepped out. I wrapped a towel around my ugly body. I opened the door and ran to my room. Don't worry the boys were in their room, I made sure of it. I walked into my room. My room was painted a light blue, like Luke's eyes, and the 5 tallies and 5 seconds of summer was painted on my wall in black. One of my walls were covered in posters of the boy's, sleeping with sirens, green day, nickel back and ect. My bed had galaxy bed covers and blankets, and black pillow cases. I had a bay window with pillows that were light blue and lime green with white curtains. I had a medium size closet. My outfit consists of black skinny jeans and a band tee with Luke's red flannel to cover up my cuts and scars. I put in my black high top converse. I let my hair naturally dry. I looked at my clock and it read 7:00 I still had a hour before I have to go to school so why not talk to the boys downstairs.
I walked downstairs to find Calum making food in the kitchen, Luke and Michael on their phones (typical) and Ashton listening to music.
"Morning guys." I say cheerfully, and I get a good morning from all the boys. I walked into the kitchen and help Calum make breakfast. "So I see that we have chosen to make pancakes and eggs. Do you need any help?" I asked Calum.
"Sure why not." He sighed relieved. I get it cause when you have to feed 4 teenagers it can get pretty crazy. I don't eat breakfast so I might as well just help. Once we were all done making the food, I screamed "Feeding time!!", and Luke came walking in the kitchen like a penguin he is. Michael came in like a crazy ass animal and Ashton came in as jiggly puff. I was laughing so hard I felt tears coming down my face just from witnessing what just happened.
We all sat down and the boys started eating and talking about random stuff that ranged from doughnuts to music. And then a question caught me off gaurd. "So how's school pengi?" Luke questioned. Well school is a living hell because I'm bullied, cut and have no friends I thought. "Same old same old." I answered nonchalantly. I looked at the clock one last time and it read 7:52.
"Well we should get going." I said to Teddy bear(mikey), Big Asian and Older pengi(Luke). I grabbed everyone's dish and put them in the sink. We dashed to the car and drove to school, which was a 5 minute drive. Yay!School! *note the sarcasm. We got out the car after Mikey parked the car (duh I'm not a stunt woman). We walked through the field and I kept on getting glares and looks from people but that was normal. The sad part was that the boys didn't notice at all. They don't even know that I get bullied and we go to the same school. Once we reached the front door we went our separate ways. The boys went their lockers while I went to mine.
Once I got to my locker I was slammed against it by someone. I fell to the floor in pain and almost screamed. I looked up and saw a all too familiar face. Cameron Dallas.
"Shit" I muttered under my breath.
"Hey slut what are you doing now trying to get someone to fuck you bitch." He said with venom dripping from his words. That doesn't effect me as much but it still hurt. I watched as the rest of my bullies showed up.
"Hey Taylor?" Cameron asked Taylor with a mischievous grin on his face. "Yeah?" Taylor replied with a evil smile. "What do we do with worthless pieces of shit that deserve to die?" Cameron questioned looking me in the eyes. I felt fear for what's coming up next. "We beat them until they bleed cause nobody cares about them, cause they're ugly and freaks." Nash answered. I heard the bell ring and I felt like I was going to die right then and there.
Once all of the other students and teachers left to go to their classrooms I was left alone with all my bullies. Then Shawn and Matthew held me against the lockers. They looked sorry for what they were doing but I shrugged it off. All the sudden Cameron punched me in the face "This is for being a slut and this for is because nobody cares about you." Then he kick me on my rib cage. And kept on going on until all of them were tired except for Shawn and Matthew since they were holding me down. I think that one of my ribs were broken, my nose was broken cause my nose is bleeding and that I have bruises on my stomach, legs, arms and face. This happens everyday either in the morning or after school so I'm used to it but I still felt like curling up into a ball and cry and cut after words. "Tomorrow after school." Carter told me. I just nodded. And they all walked away not even saying a word. After they were out of sight I fell to the ground and fainted.
*Time skip
I woke up at the nurse's office. That's odd I don't remember how I got here and who brought me here I thought. And then I had a flashback of what happened. I felt tears roll down my face but I swiftly wiped them away not wanting to cry right now. But I still don't know who brought me here.
"Oh good your awake", exclaimed the nurse, "how you feeling sweetie?" The nurse questioned softly as if even words will kill me right now. But before I could respond I heard a very concerned voice or should I say voices.
A/n Not really a cliff hanger but you get the point. So I'm hoping to get at least 20 reads and 1 vote until the next up date so plz make that happen. And thank you so much for reading.
Stay strong.

Already Broken (Magcon And 5sos Fanfic) {discontinued}
FanfictionTriggering warning: This book may be triggering for some readers. There is self harm, abuse and bullying. Read at your own risk. First book so bare with me here. Hi, I'm Christina or you can call me Chris/Christian/Chrissy ect. So my last name is He...