*Chris's POV*
I woke up being shooked, sweating and tears running down my face. The boys were surrounding me with worried expressions on they're faces.
"Wh-what h-ha-happened?" I stuttered. The boys expressions softened.
"I woke up and heard screaming and crying so I went to your room and saw you." Luke explained.
"He woke all of us up to see what was wrong and try to help you wake up." Michael continued.
"You wouldn't wake up after everything we tried. You were crying really loud. It was heart breaking." Calum told me while sniffling.
"You were screaming STOP, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME, WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU, HELP, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME, I'M SORRY. It was heart renching." Ashton told crying a little bit.
"Why were you saying those thing?" Calum asked.
"Well it was my dream......" I began.
I was at school and nobody was there. I turned around and saw my bullies. They all had innocent looks on their faces but their eyes were filled with hatred. I turned back around and started running. But I wasn't fast enough, they caught me and threw me to the ground. Then I started screaming.
I was screaming "STOP. PLEASE DON'T. DON'T HURT ME. PLEASE HELP ANYBODY. HELP." But nobody heard me. They started beating me up, calling me these names and saying all of these horrible things.
Once they were done I was bleeding and my vision was getting dark. I asked "What did I ever do to you?" And they were walking away with sombody and laughing with them. The next thing set me over the edge. The boys.
They were laughing at me and walking away with my bullies. I kept on screaming that I'm srry until my vision was almost pitch black.
"Please don't leave me." I whispered. And that's when everything went black.
By the end I was crying again. The boys were crying too.
"We'll never leave you Chris." Calum said seriously.
"You got that Chris? We'll never leave you in a million years." Ashton added.
I nodded. "You promised?" I asked while holding my pinky out. The boys smiled at my silliness.
"We promise." The boys promised in sync while linking their pinkies with my own. The room fell silent but this wasn't a awkward silence, no it was a comfortable silence. We sat here for what felt like hours just looking at each other. Thinking about how grateful we should be because we have this family. A family that will never break, never fall apart, only love one another. A family that will always be there even through our ups and downs. I learned that from just staring at them for a little bit longer and noticing all of the details that we all seem to miss.
The silence was broken. "Since we all can't go back to sleep why don't we just watch a movie?" Micheal asked no one in particular. We all liked the idea so we agreed. We all got up from my bed.
"WHO EVER IS THE LAST ONE DOWNSTAIRS IS A ROTTEN SLICE OF PIZZA!" Luke yelled running down the stairs. The rest of us looked at each other. I was the first one to run down the stairs followed by Micheal who was followed by Calum and Ashton was the last one.
"HA I WIN BITCHES!" Luke bragged playfully in our faces.
"Shut up Luke." I said with fake anger. Luke fake pouted and faked cried on Calum's shoulder.
"Chris that was mean." Luke faked sniffled. While Calum tried to "calm him down". But really he was laughing with the other boys.
"By the way Luke that's a dollar in the swear jar." Ashton informed Luke while holding out the jar with like 50 dollars in there already and we just emptied it out a few days ago.
"Seriously Ashton?" Luke groaned while pulling out his wallet and pulled out a single putting it in the jar. "Happy now?" He questioned with annoyed.
"Very." Ashton answered happily.
"Anyways...." I trailed off. "What movie do you guys want to watch?" I finished.
"How about mean girls?" Luke suggested.
"Sure why not" Michael answered.
"Okay Luke, Chris you get the snacks, Ashton get more blankets and pillows, and Micheal put in the dvd." Calum ordered.
"And what are you going to do?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"Nothing cause I'm a boss ass bitch." Calum answered back with a sassy tone. "Got a problem?" He asked even sassy-er while snapping his fingers in a Z formation.
"No I don't." I answered back while putting my hands up in surrender while slowly backing away into the kitchen. When I disappeared I headed the boys burst into laughter while I was just giggling in the kitchen.
"Calum tha-" Ashton started but was cut off by Calum.
"I know Ashton," Calum started,"'that's 2 dollars in the swear jar.'" He mocked. We were all laughing harder now even Ashton. But we all calmed down and went to do what we were going to do.
"Okay," Luke said while entering the kitchen and rubbing his hands together, "what are we going to get?" Luke questioned already looking in the pantry.
"How about gummy bears, gummy worms, chips, soda, chocolate, popcorn, pizza and cereal?" I asked.
"Sure." Luke answered. "You get the everything thing ready while I order the pizza and help as much as I can." He suggested. I nodded.
(Time skip cause I'm too lazy to write all of that crap)
"Okay I ordered the pizza. Do you need any help carrying these in the living room?" Luke questioned. I just nodded my head. We carried all of the food in and I guess they built a fort with all of the pillows and blankets. I laughed and shook my head at their childness. We went inside and set the food down on the coffee table which I was quite surprised on well built this is. It was like a mini house and was huge for a fort that was built in a living room but I guess that what I should expect cause it took up the whole living room.
The fort or should I say the mini house had little fairy lights hanging frome the "ceiling" it was roomy and could fit all of us with a lot of extra space. The carpet was covered with blankets and there were pillows lying around. We could clearly see the TV.
"We ordered a pizza so it should be here in 30 minutes." Luke announced. They went a little crazy like they all started screaming random shit like the usual. And me, I'm just laughing.
Once they all simmer down we watched the movie until we heard the doorbell ring.
"I'll get it." I offered. But nobody said anything I'm guessing they were too in to the movie. I got out of the mini house and stretched. I went to the door and grabbed the money that the boys had on the table. I went to open the door and.....

Already Broken (Magcon And 5sos Fanfic) {discontinued}
FanfictionTriggering warning: This book may be triggering for some readers. There is self harm, abuse and bullying. Read at your own risk. First book so bare with me here. Hi, I'm Christina or you can call me Chris/Christian/Chrissy ect. So my last name is He...