*Chris's POV*
I see one of my bullies. Shawn fucking Mendes. He smiled at me. He fucking smiled, he smiled like I was still his friend, like I don't get bullied by him and his friends. I gave him the money like a civilized person and grabbed the pizza. I then turned around and kicked the door shut making sure it made a sound. The boys came running towards me but with worried expressions.
"What was that loud sound?" Cal questioned while Mikey grabbed the pizza from my hands.
"Nothing, I just accidentally slammed the door." I answered nonchalantly but I was freaking out on the inside. Shawn knows where I live now. He's probably going to tell the boys where I live. Shit I'm so fucking screwed. The thoughts kept on swirling around in my head.
"Your lying Chris. Tell. Us. Now." Ashton said sternly. I'm guessing my eyes turned black from fear. They kept on staring at me and let's say it was intimating as fuck.
"Okay, okay," I begged, "just stop staring at me like that." They did what I told them. "So basically," I continued without making eye contact with the boys, "I went to get the pizza. I opened the door and there stood my ex-best friend now bully with the pizza, so I gave him the money, took the pizza and kick the door shut which caused a loud sound." I finished. They all looked convinced that I was telling them everything, which I was but I wasn't telling what I was thinking. Calum didn't look convinced.
"Your not telling us everything Christina." Calum spoke with all seriousness cause he used 'Christina' instead of 'Chris' and it looked like he was staring into my soul. They all looked back at me.
"Is that true Christina?" Luke asked concerned. Oh great now everybody is calling me Christina. "Don't lie, tell the truth."
"Ummmm, soyouknowhowcomewemovedandthatshawnandmatthewonlyknewouroldaddress?wellnowtheyknowournewaddress,sonowimscrewedcausetheycanfollowmeandbeatmeuponthewayhomeifiwalk.theycanalsoprankusandstufflikethat.imjustscaredokay?" I manged to say in on breath really fast.
"Okay calm down." Mikey said while rubbing my back. I was trying to catch my breath.
"Can you explain a little bit slower? Please?" Luke asked softly.
"Okay. So you know how come we moved and that Shawn and Matthew only knew our old address?" I asked. They nodded in response. "Well now they know our new address, so now I'm screwed cause they follow me and beat me up on the way home if I walk. They can also prank us and stuff like that. I'm just scared okay?" I finally finished. The boys just stared at me and it made me scared and anxious.
"There's no need to be scared Chris. We're here for you. We won't ever leave you. We're family and family don't leave family to suffer. Okay?" Calum said while looking at me straight in the eyes again. I nodded unable to use my voice. The room fell silent and we just looked at each other again.
"Hey, why don't we go back to that movie?" I suggested, breaking the silence. The boys faces lit up. They turned to look at each other. After a few seconds they nodded and turned to look at me. They started to run towards me. My eyes widened, so I turned around and started running for dear life. We ran around the house until I found a hiding spot which was behind a bunch of boxes of fan mail in Luke's room.
"You can run but you can't hide." I heard Micheal yelled from a distance. I heard mumbling from down stairs.
"Hey have we checked up stairs yet?" I heard somebody ask. I'm guessing somebody shook their head cause next thing I know I hear and feel the boys running up the stairs like a herd of buffaloes.
"Okay let's split up. Luke you go in your room, I'll go in Chris's room, Mikey you go in your's and Ashton you go in mine and your room. Okay on three. 1. 2. 3!!!!" Calum ordered.
I heard Luke come in his room. I heard shuffling and things being moved but when he was close to where I was, I held my breath. But he backed away and went out the door into the hallway. I let out a big sigh of relief. I was getting out of my hiding spot but somebody lifted me off my feet and threw me on the bed. I faced the boys and next thing I knew I was getting tickled.
"St-stop ple-please ahhaha guys sssttoooop." I laughed. But they didn't stop and they knew I hate getting tickled. They tickled me until I had trouble catching my breath. "Guys, GUYS I CANT BREATH STOP." I laughed out again. They stopped and I was panting and gasping for air.
"Well that was fun. Nice doing business with ya." Ashton said while shaking the boys hands.
"Yeah, we should do this more often." I agreed cause to be completely honest it was actually quite fun. "But seriously guys let's get back to that movie." I said with a serious face but then I stuck my tounge out and crossed my eyes. We all burst into laughter. "Seriously let's go."
We all went down stairs and continued the movie. We weren't really watching since we were talking and goofing around like always.
Once the movie was done it was 3 am and we decided that we should go to sleep cause we had school except for Ashton, that lucky son of a ponie. We were too lazy to get up so we slept in the tent. Thank the Pizza God that tomorrow is Friday and that tomorrow is the last day of school until summer.
We were all laying down and I couldn't sleep cause I was afraid. Afraid of that nightmare and what will happen tomorrow cause the last day of school means big beating. I was shaking at the thought of it and I'm guessing I woke one of the boys up cause I heard a voice say "Pengi are you okay?" The voice sounded like Micheal.
"What time is it?" I asked Micheal.
"5:09." He answered. "Hey do you want to cuddle so you can fall asleep?" He asked. I literally jump into his arms. "Sshh shh you're going to be okay." He whispered. He kept on whispering sweet things into my ears until I fell alseep.
I woke up feeling refreshed even though I only gotten little sleep. I went upstairs and took a shower. When I was done I ran to my room and got dressed in black skinnies, a black sweater with the boys' logo, my grey beanie and my all black vans. I looked at my hair and I'm thinking about dying it and maybe get a lip ring like Luke. I was done looking in the mirror which I was surprised that it didn't break. I went down stairs to see all the boys ready and eating cereal. I looked at the time and saw that we had to go. Man I woke up late.
"Come in boys let's go to school." I told the boys. They put their bowls in the sink and I made a mental note to wash the dishes when I get home. We got in the car and I look to see who's driving. Luke. Oh god.
On the way to school Luke was speeding and kind of not stopping at stop signs. But hey? What you gonna do? Once we got to school I was surprised that we made it in one piece. We all got of the car once we park.
Okay let's this over with.

Already Broken (Magcon And 5sos Fanfic) {discontinued}
FanfictionTriggering warning: This book may be triggering for some readers. There is self harm, abuse and bullying. Read at your own risk. First book so bare with me here. Hi, I'm Christina or you can call me Chris/Christian/Chrissy ect. So my last name is He...