Chapter 4 of Counting Raindrops

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"Kat . . ." The whispering voice in my head had been repeating my name about ten times now. "Hey, Kat. Wake up. Please." The whispering wouldn't stop so I opened my eyes and groaned in response. Close beside me kneeling down was Aston looking at me with rushed eyes.

I sat up, "what are you doing here?" I asked in shock. What time was it? Three in the morning? The sun wasn't even up!

"I asked Kerra on a date for today and I'm nervous." I jumped up with a huge grin on my face as I gushed,

"Awe! That's so sweet! Don't be nervous, why would you be?" I asked curiously, he doesn't seem to be the nervous type more of the cocky type. His spiked hair and his Tap-Out T-shirt was smaller than normal, but wasn't a muscle shirt. His jeans were casual and torn at the knees.

"I don't know . . . I just am, I guess."

The twinkle in his eyes told me everything, "you like her." I pointed out simply. He looked at me quickly his face going pink with embarrassment in which I smiled wider.

"What? No I don't. We're just friends."

I raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously, "really? Aston, it's not hard to guess that you like her." I told him calmly. His eyes flashed and he looked away from me. Ha! "It's cute, Aston, you two look very cute together." I told him for support. I don't know why he wouldn't be more open to liking her.

I soon got my answer, "I just don't want to get hurt like I did back in Australia." Oh.

"Oh, uh . . . May I ask why?" My voice was quiet and smooth. I didn't want to break into anything too sensitive for him.

Taking in a deep breath Aston spoke, "let's just say that because of her, I no longer trust girls the way I maybe should." Poor Aston. He's definitely not the type of person I had expected to get hurt. I expected him to be the heart-breaker, not the broken.

"I'm so sorry, Aston." He chuckled at that,

"Why are you apologizing? You weren't there." I shrugged. I still felt bad for him. After a few minutes of silence between us he asked with that familiar anxiety from earlier this morning, "what do I wear? . . ."

I chuckled, "what kind of date is it? Where are you taking her?" I was glad that Aston came to me about this because I knew Kerra like the back of my hand.

"I was going to take her to the movies. She said she's been wanting to see Moulin Rouge for a long time now, but hasn't gotten the chance to." I smiled, dang he knows what girls like.

"Okay, definitely a casual date so don't dress up all fancy like you're taking her to a five star restaurant. Don't dress like a slob though."

"I won't."

I nodded trying to think of other things that would be crucial in a date, "are you taking her somewhere after the movie?"

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