Chapter 9 of Counting Raindrops

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I woke up under the warmth beneath my many covers from our movie night, I didn't want to get up, but it was Monday and we had school. Using all of the strength that I had in me I pushed myself up from the floor, wiping the tiredness from my eyes as I did so. Kerra and Aston were still asleep beside me, I decided to let them sleep for awhile longer when I saw the time on my phone. It was still pretty early in the morning so they had time.

I got up from my place and moved over to my dresser where I picked out a nice outfit for the day, a pair of nice white jeans and a fancy green one-shoulder top. I changed in the bathroom and got ready for the rest of the day before going downstairs to have some breakfast and to see if my mom was up for work yet.

I didn't know how today at school would go, would it be hectic with Jayce and I fighting again, or would there be the same peace that we had yesterday during our hours working on the project? I was hoping for the second thought because I still needed a break from the flash-backs of my nightmare. Jayce didn't know how serious Vance leaving to Iraq is to me, I mean, who wouldn't it be serious for? But anyways, he didn't know how it affected me, and he didn't know what triggered it so he's technically blindsided for every time he teases me; not knowing what does and doesn't hit a soft spot. I wasn't going to tell him either, what if Derek was wrong? What if Jayce did want to make me cry? If I told him then it'd just make it easier to upset me. Being occasionally hit in a soft spot was better than being ambushed with hurtful and weakening words.

Kat, what if Jayce likes teasing you, but doesn't want to tease to the point it upsets you?

With all of my thinking about what ifs and about Jayce bothering me I didn't even see Aston and Kerra walk down or when they did for that matter. "Hey, you okay?" Aston asked as he slowly waved a hand in front of my face, I shook out of my deep thoughts and nodded.

"Yeah, just thinking, that's all."

Aston cocked his head to the side in wonder, "Jayce problems?"

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "what do you mean? Jayce problems?"

Nodding his head he sat across from me and replied, "yeah, you know, you're tired of him bothering you so you're trying to figure out a plan for how you'll get him to stop?" I smiled and shook my head with amusement.

"Nah. Yes, I was thinking about Jayce, but it was whether he'll be a complete jerk today." I wasn't even sure if Aston knew what Jayce bothered me about, did he even know about Vance?

"So, you need a ride to school I'm guessing?" Kerra asked as she poured herself a glass of orange juice, I nodded because I didn't want to bother my mom when she was limited on sleep before she would have to wake up for work. "Okay, cool. But you are getting a ride back from Jayce," she pointed out, I nodded again, I didn't want to think about him, it just made me dislike him even more; being reminded of everything he has ever said to me to make me mad or upset, I mean, he's only made me cry once, but still! Over time I just learned to hate him, I'm guessing he hated me from the start.

"Okay let's head out!" Aston called and began marching towards the door, I was about to tell him to stay quiet because of mom, but he was already out the door before I could open my mouth. For being a tall and muscular guy, he sure knew how to act like he was young which was awesome because Kerra and I were the same exact way; young at heart. Kerra and I laughed and ran after him. He was already in his car by the time we got outside, revving the engine of his V6 Mustang. I think it was the year 2000, it looked really cool for being an older car and it was silver with black stripes running down the body of it, it had a small hood scoop too.

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