Chapter 18 of Counting Raindrops

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Silent tears, stinging at my eyes as they made their way down my cheeks to drop onto Jayce's shoulder. I didn't have a reason to cry, he wasn't dying or anything . . . I didn't think, I mean I guess he could have internal bleeding, but . . .

Shut up, Kat . . .

Jayce would be perfectly fine. He just had some bruises and cuts, it wasn't bad at all . . . But if it wasn't bad then why can I feel the hot tears slowly creeping from my tear ducts? I could feel myself shaking, I couldn't have been cold though, I was warm beside Jayce I wasn't searing like I usually was and that was weird. My heart had an odd pace thumping through my chest; unsteady. A coiling twine twisted within my stomach like a wet rag being rung out after wiping a counter. These feelings were foreign and uncomfortable to me, I didn't want to feel them again. I squeezed my eyes shut in hopes of shutting out the weird aching pain that I felt.

Why did I feel like this?

Because you want to know that Jayce is okay . . .

Why couldn't he just wake up? I missed those crystal blue eyes and I wanted to see them again . . .

And whatever made it to where his skin felt so burning hot I wanted to feel it scorching through my skin again . . .

I wanted to hear his voice again, I didn't care whether his voice was mad or casual, I wanted to hear him speak again. Yelling at me for the stupidest reason, or even whispering that I was okay after one of my cold sweat nightmares.

I wanted him to be awake. Here, with me. Conscious and alive.

I needed him to be awake. Here, with me. Conscious and alive . . .

His steady and unwavering heartbeat was a reassurance that he was somewhat okay, his calm breathing helped too, but I for some reason couldn't be completely convinced that he didn't have internal bleeding and was dying until I could see his piercing blue eyes. Feel the searing heat that he somehow emitted across my skin wherever his skin touched me. To hear his voice.

The longer that Jayce stayed unconscious the more my eyes wept. Instead of looking around at random things in the room I took an abnormal interest in the clock, watching as the time ticked away from 5:00 . . .

To 5:20 . . .

To 5:30 . . .

5:45 . . .

The hands on the clock seemed to move excruciatingly slow which made me inhale a heavy breath of air before hopelessly releasing it back into the air.

I had finally gotten my eyes to dry themselves, but when I saw the clock striking 6:00 in the morning my vision blurred, causing all the colors of the room to bleed together into one ugly color.

What if Jayce fell into a coma? . . .

Don't you dare think like that, Kat! . . .

Sniffling I shook my head at myself, or at least tried. Have you ever tried shaking your head against someone's chest?

Kat . . . Just go to rest . . . Don't worry about Jayce . . . He'll be fine . . .

With that, my eyes drifted closed; blocking out the world for the time that I slept. Which wasn't a very peaceful sleep I may add.

Many dreams seeped and slithered their ways into my brain, all of them ending in Jayce dying and me crying.

Who would've thought that I'd cry for Jayce?

There were many different ways that Jayce had died too.

A shot to the heart . . . Sounds painful . . .

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