Chapter 10 of Counting Raindrops

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"Kat Chrome and Jayce Wyatt to the office please, Kat Chrome and Jayce Wyatt to the office," the intercom spoke as Mr. Goodman started his lesson for the day. I looked over at Jayce and he did the same, groaning as we both pushed our chairs back to stand up.

I walked around our table to leave the classroom wondering what could have possibly gone wrong this time . . . Then again what can't go wrong when you put Jayce and I together? It's like putting two wolves together with only one piece of meat, they're going to fight. I was honestly confused now about what we could have done wrong, we hadn't even fought . . . Well not the way we did in the cafeteria at least. Maybe Mr. Goodman was just tired of our constant bickering.

"If you got me in trouble again, I swear . . ." He trailed off not finishing his threat.

I scoffed at him, but didn't turn around to snap, "if you were in trouble I wouldn't be going to the office too." I rolled my eyes when Jayce continued to mumble under his breath, quietly cussing me out and calling me names.

I looked to my side to look into the classrooms as they passed by, each teacher was doing their job and teaching the students what they needed to get the right education. I glanced back at Jayce seeing him on his phone, frowning, he's been doing that a lot lately. I wondered for a slight moment who had made him frown, not because I cared because I didn't, I wanted to find that person and high five them to be honest . . . I'm kind of mean when it comes to Jayce I know, but he's even worse.

I stopped in front of the office and shoved the heavy door open heading straight towards the principal's room not caring to wait for Jayce to follow. As I entered the room I heard a hard thump, probably Jayce's hand stopping the door from slamming in his face.

When I walked into Mr. Way's office I saw him shuffling many papers around on his desk. I felt Jayce stop behind me and cough, immediately getting our principal's attention. He looked up, "oh! Come on in. I was expecting you two, take a seat please." Like last time, Jayce and I took a seat on the chairs that were sat in front of Mr. Way's desk. Folding his hands together He looked between the two of us, "I wanted to remind you that today is your last day in the cafeteria. After today you will be able to attend your sports," the look on his face then changed to a strict expression as he continued, "do not let this happen again, understood? Because if it does, you will not be allowed to play any type of sports for the rest of the year." I took in an unstable breath before letting it out, I nodded in agreement then turned a little towards Jayce to check his reaction. His crystal blue eyes were slick as his forearm muscles tightened and released again as he sat there thinking. Out of the corner of his eye he looked at me, but looked back at Mr. Way to answer,

"got it," he grumbled.


I nodded earlier!

"Yes, sir." He nodded finally and finished by saying,

"Okay, you two are excused, and Jayce . . ."

Jayce was already up and at the door, he stopped to look over his shoulder, "yeah."

Mr. Way smirked a little then, "a bit more respect would be nice."

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