Chapter 13 of Counting Raindrops

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My legs felt incredibly numb with every torturous step that I took down the unusually clear and quiet school hallways, I wouldn't know why though because I kept my face hidden by my long blonde hair cascading down my head as I kept my eyes on the floor . . . I loved how they had different colored specs in them, it also seemed to be polished; reflecting my appearance right back at me. I hadn't cared to do my make-up which still wasn't much, but my eyes didn't seem as bright and vibrant as they could be, I had dark circles under my eyes from not being able to sleep and my lips were chapped to the point of cracking and sometimes bleeding. My cheeks were slightly swollen and pale from the constant tears that I had shed over the weekend, it wasn't pretty, even ask Jayce.

I could have guessed why the hallways were so freakishly quiet, and why I didn't bump into anyone from not paying attention, or see anyone's feet for that matter. I bet if I were to look up from my current gaze that everyone would be on the sides of the hallways staring at me, some may even be whispering to the person beside them. I couldn't quite blame them though, who could?

I was the girl who had been dumped in front of most of the grade by an army soldier. I swear I could almost hear their thoughts,

What's wrong with her?

Oh, you didn't hear? she was dumped by her boyfriend at his coming home party.

Poor, Kat. she didn't deserve that, Vance is a jerk for having the nerve to do it in front of the whole party.

She should just get over it already, it's not like she saw him often anyways.

I feel so bad for her.

It wasn't that hard to get really, their expressions said it all which is why I chose to make the tile floor my new best friend for the time being until it blew over. I wish I didn't go to school today . . . It was a nightmare that I couldn't seem to wake up from, a nightmare that I wanted to escape.

I hadn't talked to Kerra or Aston since the party, I hadn't even seen them since the party. The only person that I've seen since then was shockingly Jayce. Though he didn't stay the night, he did come to work on the project Saturday and Sunday which had allowed me to get my mind away from all the sadness that had consumed me from the party, and whether or not it was on purpose I was thankful that Jayce had come over.

Hearing the bell ring throughout the hallways of the school made me sigh a heavy breath of relief, now no one would pay attention to me . . . Most people at least. Sitting in first hour had made me dread the rest of the day, more so than before.

Mr. Goodman didn't seem to be having the best day either so he was on a shorter fuse than usual which was bad for me because I didn't want to talk, but he seemed to want the opposite from me, "Ms. Chrome, why don't you tell me about the significant events that happened during World War II."

Why me?

Timidly looking around me I mentally groaned to see all eyes on me, it felt like I was being burned. "The signif . . ." I didn't even get to finish my word before he cut me off with that booming voice of his,

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