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Stepping out of Jayce's black Camaro, I stood there staring up at his house. I had been to his house a few times, but I had never met his mom before. Apparently Mrs. Wyatt wanted to finally meet the girl who had her son's attention. "Calm down, KitKat. She's not going to bite," I hadn't even noticed that I was freaking out until Jayce enclosed my trembling hand in his. I was nervous for a reason I didn't know. Jayce stood before me, eyes glittering down at me as he let a comforting smile peak the corners of his lips. "She doesn't even know that she's meeting you yet," he softly added as if it would soothe me. I bit my lip, leaving him to sigh and look up at the sky before rolling his eyes playfully. Once he looked back down at me he was still smiling then leaned his head down to place a small kiss on my forehead.

He motioned his head toward his house before he started walking. "What if she doesn't like me?" I blurted out quickly.

He stopped, turned and cocked his head to the side making his black hair slant as well. "Trust me, if I like you, she will like you too." I kept my eyes locked with his and nodded just the slightest, letting him gently tug at my index finger to get me walking.

All the way up to the front door I was constantly scolding myself for being so jittery, it was just his mom!

Kat, calm down . . . You're being pathetic . . .

Talking one last deep breath as we stepped up to the front porch, Jayce released my finger and twisted the doorknob to enter with me trailing slowly after him. He paused for a short second before going towards the kitchen where he heard metal clanking together quietly.

I glanced around the living room briefly as we headed to the next room, nothing changed from the last time I had came over. It still looked neat and beautifully decorated.

"Hey, mom." I shook my head violently as Jayce's voice shocked me out of my trance. He had stopped in the doorway leaving me to nearly walk into him, but I stopped in time and grabbed ahold of his grey t-shirt.

You're not the nervous type . . . What has gotten into you!? . . .

I heard a cheery and sweet voice greet which must have been his mom, speak over the sound of sizzling and soft popping, "hey, Jayce. How has your day been?"

Though I couldn't see her, I could imagine what she looked like. Soft features, youthful and glowing face.

Jayce spoke up in front of me now leaning against the doorframe. I was still hidden behind him. "It's been good so far," I could feel his back rumbling from his voice, "hey, you remember that night when I had to stay over at a friend's to help her out?" As he said this, he reached one arm around himself to pull me beside him and finally in view of his mother.

She looked confused beyond all things, but was beyond beautiful as well. Like I had assumed, she looked really young, she had short golden hair and the same crystal blue eyes that Jayce was gifted with. She was shorter than her son, but a little taller than me. "Yes, I remember," she confirmed softly, stirring a pot of liquid that I couldn't name of the top of my head.

I looked up at Jayce. He smiled down at me, "you know how you wanted to meet her?" His mom nodded. "Well . . . This is Kat."

I turned to look at Mrs. Wyatt, a bright smile on her face as she beamed at me, "it's nice to meet you finally! I swear I told that boy I wanted to meet you a few months ago!" She said with a laugh before coming over to hug me. Jayce nudged me forward with a chuckle, I released any and all anxiety as she enveloped me into a warming hug.

When I looked up at Jayce over his mom's shoulder he made a biting motion then began to laugh when I rolled my eyes. "It's nice too meet you, too Mrs. Wyatt."

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