Chapter 17 of Counting Raindrops

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My night was just hitting 10:00 when I finished my dinner and headed up to my bedroom for a shower. I carried my handheld speaker into the bathroom and set it on the counter where I plugged my phone into it and turned my music on high. Never knowing what Pandora would choose to play, I started the shower water and tested the temperature as it ran. The water sprayed through the shower head growing warmer as the seconds passed and when it was the temperature of my liking I pulled my hand away.

Pulling my hair clip out of my hair I released my long blonde locks to fall down my back. Taking the hem of my shirt into my fingers I lifted it over my head so I could drop it to the floor as I did with the rest of my clothes. Humming along to the voice of Pandora I stepped into the steaming water of my shower.

You are not alone, tonight . . .

Imagine me there by your side,

It's so hard to be here so far away,

From you . . .

I'm counting the days, 'til I'm finally done,

I'm counting them down, yeah, one by one.

It feels like forever, 'till I return,

To you . . .

But it helps me on those lonely nights,

It's the one thing that keeps me alive,

Knowing that you wait for me . . .

Ever so patiently . . .

I've known this song by heart for the longest time, it was so . . . Soothing, I guess you could say. The words are so loving and beautiful, as the words whispered through the bathroom I closed my eyes and gently swayed on my feet to the smooth beat of the song.

And still I softly hummed the words,

No one else knows the feeling inside,

We hang up the phone without saying goodnight,

Because it's the sound of your voice that brings me home . . .

It's never been easy to say . . .

But it's easier when I've gone away.

Knowing that you wait for me . . .

Ever so patiently . . .

Yeah, you're everything that I've ever dreamed of having and,

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