Chapter 11 of Counting Raindrops

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A light smile crossed my face as his warm hand enveloped mine, I couldn't explain the warm fuzzy feeling that blossomed in my stomach. He smiled down at me and leaned his head down to lay on mine before he delicately whispered, "I love you so much, Kat." I couldn't help but smile until my cheeks began to ache. His index finger found its way under my chin to lift up my face so I could look him in the beautiful eyes that seemed to sparkle every time he looked at me. His hand gently tucked a few strands behind my ear and lowered his face down to mine letting a slow kiss suck the breath from my lungs. The arch of my head was starting to pain my neck so I lifted myself onto my toes, he seemed to smile against my lips while his hand softly stroked my cheek.

"I love you too, Vance." I grinned and wrapped my arms around his back to hug him, I lay my head against his chest to listen to the soft thuds of his heart. I know this sounds awfully cliché but I did wish that we could stay this way forever . . . It was so peaceful and heartwarming.

Arms squeezing me even closer to him he whispered ever so softly, "you are my girl . . . Forever and always." I smiled, but it can never be that simple because I could easily feel the growing heat in my cheeks and I slightly feared that he could feel it through his shirt.

"Kat . . ." His voice lingered in my ear for a few moments before he pulled away to look in my eyes, "I need to tell you something . . ." I searched his eyes for anything to help me recognize what he wanted to tell me. I nodded and ran a hand through my hair as I sat up straighter to give him my full attention.

"What is it?" He sighed and leaned over his knees so he could grip his hair with his fingers before tugging at it.

Is it bad? "You know how I signed up for the army? . . ." Oh no . . . Not this, it can't be happening already. My heart jumped in my throat to where I couldn't even answer so I just nodded. "They called for me . . ."

I had to ask questions, I couldn't just let this go. I cleared my throat before talking, "when?"

"They called a few days ago. And they need me to leave on Friday."

It's Tuesday.

I shook my head, a certain tone lacing my words, "you-you didn't tell me until you only had two and a half days left?" I couldn't identify the tones in my voice there were so many.

He was leaving?

Vance, you're leaving?

"I only just found out myself, Kat. I needed time to handle it, I'm sorry." His last words were dripping with sincerity, but for some reason they didn't reach my ears the way they should have.

Why couldn't I respond? Why did it feel like I couldn't breathe? Why did it feel like my heart was going to shatter?

Why was I crying? . . .

Vance's eyes only softened from then on as he gingerly wiped them away from my face, he closed his eyes. "Don't cry, please." He opened his eyes again for me to see that they had turned glassy as well. He shook his head before he pulled me to him.

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