Chapter 19 of Counting Raindrops

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Viciously tapping my foot against the ground I was sure that the poor floor was ready to give way at how long my leg has been thumping with anxiety. My nails were nearly gone and my cheeks were stiff with tears, I was nervous beyond belief because what if things didn't go right? What if the cops thought that Jayce's reason to start a fight wasn't a good enough reason to let him go just yet? Another wave of stress rolled over me and I realized that that's all this morning was, stressful.

I couldn't get to sleep, the only time I slept was when I had cleaned up Jayce and convinced myself that he was okay and then again when he had carried me up to bed. I was way too worried to sleep, and quite frankly I didn't want to sleep until I was positive Jayce was okay.

I felt rather cold as I sat cross-legged on the couch even though the heater was on. I missed Jayce's searing touch, it was comforting, and a reminder that we had made another moment without screaming our heads off until we were deaf.

Every minute that I spent thinking and worrying about Jayce the more I realized how much I liked being around him, he was funny and he was nice to me. The more I thought about him the more I felt a pesky swarming feeling in my stomach, I didn't like it very much, partially because I think I knew what it could be, and partially because it was just plain annoying.

By the time my mom had come home the sun had started to rise from the horizon labeling a new day. I wanted to believe that Jayce was going to be okay, I didn't know why I was so worried, but I was and I couldn't stop myself.

I was getting tired of sitting around worrying myself to death so I got up and went up to my room to get something. Carrying my speakers down the stairs I set them on my coffee table and plugged them in then connected my phone. I didn't care what song played first so I just pressed shuffle then stood on the hard wood floor of my living room.

"Lay a whisper, on my pillow.

Leave the winter, on the ground."

"I wake lonely, 'cause the is silence,

In my bedroom, and all around . . .

So touch me now . . . I close my eyes, and dream away . . .

It must've been love . . ."

Right foot step. Twirl. I closed my eyes then, letting Drew's smooth voice flow through me, moving my body in angelic and soft dances.

But it's over now. . .

It must've been good, but I lost it some how . . .

Make-believing, we're together, as I'm sheltered, by your arms . . .

Twirl . . . Star fish.


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