Chapter 6 of Counting Raindrops

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I stared out the window of the cafeteria watching the rain pour down. I wasn't too happy with the weather considering the fact that I'd have to walk home in it. Can I not have a nice day to walk home in? Sunny and warm? Apparently not.

My train of thoughts were interrupted by an irritated voice groaning out, "a little help here? I do believe that you were the one that got us here." I scowled at him, but obliged by taking a sponge out of the soapy bucket and began scrubbing one of the many tables that were still untouched.

It didn't take me very long to clean my table, but I saw that Jayce was struggling with his table, he had been scrubbing the same table for awhile now. I walked over to see what it was that he, the touch and strong guy was possibly struggling with. A sharpie stain. "Need some help?" I asked him.

He just snorted and waved me off, "buzz off, b*." I glared for a few seconds, those seconds of which he continued to struggle on the same spot.

That's when I pushed on his shoulder to move him. With a glare he stood to the side watching as I pulled out a small container of hand sanitizer. I squirted a tiny drop onto the sharpie stain and used his sponge to clean it away. "See?"

"Screw you," he said as he snatched his sponge back and turned away from me to carelessly wipe down the rest of the table.

Was he angry because I knew something that he didn't?

I shrugged off his comment and went to work on another table.

The quietness of the school was slightly disturbing. The only sound being the suds of our sponges popping as we wiped down the tables in the lunch room.

By the time we got done washing the tables the rain outside had actually gotten harder to be honest. My mom had texted me telling me that she wouldn't be able to pick me up again because her boss was making her work overtime.

Hopping to readjust my bag on my shoulders I kept walking down the overhang towards the sidewalk. The hard pattering on the metal roof drowned out the sound of everything else, even the footsteps of Jayce as he walked behind me. The crisp cool air breezed through the openings of the overhang and sent chills all down my skin. I hated the cold.

Finally approaching the freezing rain I clasped my arms around myself tightly trying to keep the warmth from escaping. I rushed to the sidewalk to hurry home so I could spend as little time in the rain as possible.

I continued to jog along the sidewalk with the constant reminder of how cold it was all around me.

"Kat!" The voice faintly broke through the rain so I turned to face the voice, it was Jayce. He raised an eyebrow at me as he sat in his car as if expecting an answer.

"What?" I slightly snapped, I didn't need a jerk stalling my time of getting home and out of this freezing rain. Jayce stayed quiet for a few moments that's when I started to get mad, "look if you're just trying to keep me out in the cold then screw off."

He rolled his eyes and clenched his teeth, "I was going to ask if you needed a ride, no need to be a b* about it." His voice was tight and annoyed which is why I was surprised that he said what he did. I looked down at the puddle of water that was starting to form at the corner of the curb. "Well!? I don't have all d* day so what is it?" He hissed. He sure gets irritated easily.

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