Chapter 5 of Counting Raindrops

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Derek's party! It was Friday night and Derek's party was in about an hour. Being Derek's friend he had been so nice to invite Aston, Kerra and myself to his party. Where as if it were Jayce's party I wouldn't even be allowed to step on his lawn. Not many people would which is why I don't even think he has parties, he just goes to them.

Derek's parents weren't out of town to be honest. His parents were really cool actually because they went out on a date, giving Derek a time frame of when he can host the party. The minute his parents got home, his parents said that they better not even be able to notice that there was a party. So as long as his parents couldn't point out evidence of the party, Derek was free to party.

As I sat on the porch swing in front of my house I waited patiently for my two best friends to arrive in Aston's blue car. I checked my phone and that's when I heard the car horn. Impeccable timing. I stood from my spot and made my way down to his car. "Hello, hot stuff." I blushed the tiniest bit at Aston's comment and slipped into the back seat of his car.

"Yeah, Kat, what made you want to dress so . . . Drool worthy?"

"I'm not even pretty. Stop it guys. I'm only wearing a silk skirt and a dress shirt." I said it honestly. I could be dressed for a wedding or a formal event for all strangers knew, I didn't know what was so hot about it.

Kerra gasped at that and turned in her seat, "have you seen yourself!? You look beautiful! I swear that you'll have a lot of the party's attention! And your make-up work is fantastic, you'll have to help me sometime." I chuckled and nodded slightly. I really did have the best friends ever. The only thing I had on for make-up was a light sweep of blue eye-shadow and eye-liner with a touch of mascara.

"Kat, I absolutely agree with Kerra. You are beautiful and stunning, take it from me . . . I am a guy." I thanked them both and nodded.

That's when I realized that we had been arguing the whole way to the party.

I grinned, now don't get me wrong I wasn't a huge partier, I just loved dancing and listening to all the great music. I know I'm weird because I'm not that girl who loves doing body shots and kissing guys senseless. I am not the type if girl who enjoys making drama, or drinking until I can't tell my toe from my forehead.

Nah, I'm the girl who despises that kind of partying, I don't understand how people can have fun when they won't even remember it in the morning. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Opening the door I looked around and shrugged, not too much outrageous things were going on. I made my way to the dance floor with my three best friends and started dancing immediately to the beat of Hall of Fame by F.U.N. His voice is just amazing, I can't describe it, it's sad really. "I love this song!" Kerra screamed over the booming music in which caused me to laugh at her. Aston grinned and wrapped his arms loosely around her waist and swayed from side to side. Being a faster song, they were swaying fast along with the beat.

I slightly felt out of place and like the third wheel because they were . . . Technically dating and I'm just standing here by myself dancing trying my best to be the least awkward as I could. The need to feel less awkward soon disappeared when two hands enclosed around my waist and started swaying me from side to side. Instead I began to feel worried. Was it someone drunk who wouldn't know the need of control? So I turned around.

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