Chapter 12 of Counting Raindrops

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Staring at myself in my full length mirror I studied my outfit, I didn't want to be too fancy, but I didn't want to show up too casual. What I was wearing made a smile form on my lips, a silk grey shirt with tight white skinny jeans sported by a thin grey belt that had a cute little gold buckle. Pleased with my clothes I moved onto my makeup in which consisted of a light shade of grey eyeshadow with a very light touch of pink blush on the apples of my cheeks, lastly I added some cherry lipgloss.

"Ooh, don't you just look fabulous," my mother quipped happily as she stepped into my room then sat on the edge of my bed.

"Eh," I shrugged as I looked over my complexion once more before I moved over to sit beside my mom. She smiled at me, but frowned when she saw my shaking hands,

"Kat, what are you so nervous about?" She patted my leg comfortingly, I loved how she was concerned for me,

"I don't know. Vance is back and I don't know how it will turn out." She knew that he was coming home and I knew she had an inkling that Vance was what had me so shaky.

She snorted and shook her head with a knowing smile, "Kat, you shouldn't be so worried. You're too young to be worried, I promise everything will go great, you two are just so cute together." She smirked, "and I just can't wait to see your guys' children!" She cried making me laugh then face palm myself at her words. "Not! tonight though." She said with her arms up in warning, I nodded in agreement.

I shook my head viciously at her, "no, no, no, I am not going to do anything tonight or anytime soon so don't worry about that," I chuckled. She released a breath of air and pretended to wipe sweat from her forehead. "Okay enough talk about that. It's almost nine so I should probably head to their house."

"Okay sweetie, be careful walking. Love you." I hugged her and then left to go to Kerra's and Vance's house.

Earlier in the day Kerra's parents had thrown a family party for Vance's return, but now that it was later in the day he had convinced them to let him and his twin throw a party. Our whole grade was invited which was relatively big so I couldn't imagine how packed the house would be tonight.

The night was nice and warm, the stars were out and bright, the moon was full and beautiful. It was just perfect.

I had had a rough week so far so a party could be good for me as long as Kerra and Vance still had the strict feeling of no alcohol. I wasn't a big fan of alcohol and smoking so I didn't enjoy going to a party unless the twins threw it.

The thought of Vance surged into my mind as I continued to walk down the sidewalk, I knew that it wouldn't do anything other than give me a headache, but I just couldn't stop them. I wanted to think of everything that could go right, but I would prepare for everything that could go wrong. I was optimistic, a person who looked at all the good things even when everything was at rock bottom, but I was smartly optimistic where I looked at the good, but prepared for the bad.

Kerra had told me that everything would be okay and I trusted her more than anything, she did know him more after all.

Kat, it'll be okay . . . Don't worry.

Music was soon blasting my ears out as I approached the front porch of the twins' house, I gingerly stepped up onto the porch and slowly opened the door to meet everyone who were dancing in front of the entry way.

I found Kerra and Aston both in the kitchen keeping the guests full on refreshments and snacks, when they saw me they both gave me a cheeky grin rushing over to hug me. "How is my best friend?" Kerra asked cheerfully slightly bouncing up and down.

"I'm doing good. You are too," I said with a smile.

She nodded and Aston spoke then, "excited for your boy coming home?" I don't know why, but when he said boy it bothered me. Why though?

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