Chapter 6

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(A/N) I think not everybody sees the Update from Wednesday so I'm going to update it again.

Ross' POV
As Laura all of sudden came home to me, without calling or anything,
I knew something was going on. But I wasn't sure if she wanted to talk about it, so obviously I didn't ask what happend.. As we got into my room, as soon as I closed the door behind us.. She hugged me. She hugged me tight and even tho she felt bad, it caused me to smile. I hugged back, even tighter.. I wanted her to feel safe. After a while I felt her pulling away, my eyes were closed so I opened them again.
»Come..«, I said and took her hand, going to my bed with her to sit down. I watched her as she sat down, having her look on the sheets. I sighed, feeling sad for whatever happend earlier..
»What happend?«, I asked carefully because I wanted to know what made her sad, and then I'd make her laugh and cheer her up..
»You wouldn't believe it anyways, I'm not believing it myself..« Her voice was rough. Every time her voice was like this, she was about to cry. And damn it, I hated when she was crying. I pulled her into another hug, whispering into her ear: »You don't have to tell me..«
She pulled away again and looked at me, I saw the tears in her eyes. And I noticed how she swallowed.
»My parents, and my sister, lied to me for the past sixteen years of my life and I spent my whole afternoon trying to figure out why my family would do this to me..«
With every sentence her voice got weaker and the tears ended up streaming down her face.
»Hey.. Laura.. Please..« Gosh I felt so bad, I wiped her tears away as good as I could and just stroke her arm until she calmed down, it was better to stay quiet in those moments. She was leaning against me, her head rested on my shoulder. I watched her calming down.
»Is it that bad?«, I wondered. She didn't tell me what exactly the lie was so of course I didn't know..
»Apparently I got a twin sister..«, I heard Laura saying. I immediately got shocked, and that's also the way I was looking at her.
»What?! No way!«, was what I said after a while. She just nodded. Laura Marano having a twin sister, that's literally the insanest thing I've heard all year.
»They never told me, and today she was in that newspaper.. There's standing she won the European Championships in Basketball or so on.. Can you believe it? BASKETBALL?! I'm horrible at it!« I couldn't help but notice that she had this very light smile on her face.
»You aren't hurted of not knowing her..«, I assumed, »You're hurted because you didn't know about this like at all..«
»Yes.. I just don't get it..«, Laura was completly calmed meanwhile, »Why would my parents lie about this? And why would my sister? I'm not understanding any of this..«
I sighed and told her I didn't know why. This was one of the moments where I just wished for us to be ten years old again.. We didn't have any problems back then, except for when we fell onto the ground while playing outside..
»Can I sleep over?«, my best friend asked. I started smiling.
2 hours later
We were now laying in my bed next to each other. Laura was cuddled up on me, using my arm or chest as a pillow. Idk, but girls really did love cuddling.
»Hey, do you remember the day we knew each other for exactly two years?«, Laura asked me. I smiled.
»Of course I do. It was September and yet really warm, we were outside..«
»As always«, she laughed, »but that day was so great..«
I closed my eyes smiling, remembering as if it was yesterday..
(A/N) Goooosh, I managed to upload. Let's be proud. And I'm so sorry for uploading late, but oh god.. My exams are mentally killing me, I swear.. Next five to six weeks are gonna be tough.. Also I'm really sorry for this chap being short af....
Stay Unicorn:*

Twitter: @/xsavinglaurax
Instagram: @/proudlauratic

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