Chapter 8

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Laura's POV

»You know.. It's weird..«, I said after a while. Ross and I were just laying in his bed, and I was cuddled up on him. I just couldn't help it, I loved cuddling.
Ross looked up at me, saying: »What do you mean?«, and I sighed.
»Having a twin sister who's good at basketball I mean..« I couldn't help but notice that Ross looked at me sadly. But then he chuckled.
»You could get to know her.. Maybe you would beome friends?«, he said. I glared at him.
»Are you out of your mind?! I don't wanna have anything to do with this girl!«
»Sorry..« Ross got quiet.. I started to feel bad, but I thought he would understand me.. It was hurting that none ever told me from her.. What if she was living here when we were little and she was the girl on the pictures with Vanessa? Man this sucked.. I just wished someone would have kept me on track.. But I didn't care now. This story was ridicioulus. I just cuddled more up on Ross, saying how sorry I was for just seconds ago. Luckily he forgave me.
»But shouldn't you go home?«, he asked then. I shoke my head, not wanting to go there.
»You said I was allowed to sleep over..«, I pouted and he smiled.
»And you are. I was just asking, because.. maybe your parents are worried..« I heard the concern in his voice and it just caused me to smile more, I told him thanks and yawned short after. We decided to go to bed so I went to Delly to borrow a pyjama and went back to Ross. After that we both went to bed, fell asleep right after.
Next Day
I woke up, feeling the sun shining onto my face. I almost forgot where I was, and why I was there. But then I remembered, I remembered everything that has happend yesterday and it made me twitch together short. Then I looked next to me, I knew I was by Ross. But he wasn't sleeping or laying here, he wasn't in the room either how I noticed trough looking around.. Weird.
I stood up and wanted to dress, but.. Oh right, I didn't have clothes here. Damn, how was I supposed to go to school anyways? I didn't want to go home, like at all. I wasn't very interested in seeing mom or dad and getting yelled at for 'walking away'. Not so early in the morning. I went to Rydel and knocked on her door, she opened a second later.
»Can I borrow clothes again?«, I asked smiling innocently and Rydel giggled, nodded and let me in. I went to her closet and took a sweatshirt and some jeans, threw them over after dressing my pyjama off. I did the pyjama into the clothes basket before going back to Ross' room. Now he was there, what a surprise. And he just dressed, as I could say by his hair being a total mess. I giggled.
»S'up?«, I asked smiling while sitting down on his bed, Ross smiled too.
»I made breakfast for you, in case you're hungry«, Ross replied and pointed onto a plate with fruits and yoghurt, I smiled and took it, saying thanks. I ate the fruits while waiting for Ross to get ready for school.
»What about your books? Shall we fetch them?«, he asked me and I shoke my head.
»I'm good, we can go. Will you drive or are we gonna walk?«
»Walking sounds good.«
So we walked to school, arriving there going to our first class. But I couldn't concentrate, because I started thinking about this twin sister thing again. It didn't wanna go out of my head.. Also tomorrow was that Basketball test in P.E, so.. another thing reminding me on all of this.. I should just forget about it, but I couldn't..
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody:) I hope you liked the chapter haha xD I made it a bit longer, I think, because I was writing it on my computer.
I'll try to update on Sunday again, since it's Laura's Birthday. But I don't know it yet.. Also I got a hard time dealing with Laur turning 20 XD
And my favorite Story on Wattpad and in general, Love Game, is ending and it makes me be done with life😭
Have a nice day:) Ily all<3

Twitter: @/xsavinglaurax
Instagram: @/proudlauratic

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