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When I woke up, Alex, Allison, and Mr. Argent were in my room. Allison was on one side of my bed and Alex was on the other. Mr. Argent was sleeping in the chair across the room. "Riley, stop moving." Alex mumbled. Mr. Argent woke up. "Are you okay Riley?" He asked me. "I'm fine. I'm sorry for waking you guys up last night." I said. "It's fine. I know you had a nightmare." He said. I got out of the bed without waking Alex and Allison. "It wasn't just a nightmare." I said as I walked past him.


It was weird not having Riley around. I'm just so used to hearing his laugh and his voice. I know it's taking a toll on Cole. He must be going crazy. But Derek? He doesn't even seem to care that Riley is thousands of miles away. I miss him and I hope he's safe.


After getting dressed, Mr. Argent and I went out for a little while. I was walking past one of the stores outside when I saw a bow that looked absolutely wonderful. "It's yours." Mr. Argent said as he went in the store. "Mr. Argent, you don't have to." I said. "Riley, you need your own. Think of it as a really late or really early birthday present." He laughed. "Mr. Argent, that bow is $300 dollars." I said. "You think that's something? Alex and Allison make me spend more than that in a less than a month." He said. I sighed. "Riley, it's okay. You're like one of my own children. You and your brothers have stuck beside the Argents no matter what and I'm thankful." He said as he handed me the bow. "Thank you Mr. Argent. " I said. "Now let's head back and wake Thing One and Thing Two up. It's almost time for your training." He said with a smile.

We got Alex and Allison up and headed to our trainer. Allison looked at my bow. "Dad bought you a bow?" She asked. "Yeah. I told him not to though." I said. "Well, dad must really like you. He'd never do that." Alex said. "Maybe he's accepting the fact that you're practically an Argent now." Allison said with a smile. Finally training was over. Just a few more days and I'll be back in the U.S. We headed back to the house we were staying at. After about 2 hours, Alex came in to my room and looked at me. "Yeah?" I said. "Get dressed. We're going out." He said. "Where?" I asked. "Don't ask questions Riley. Let's go." He said. I've noticed something; the Argents are very persistent people. So to avoid an argument, I did what Alex said. We got in the car and Alex was driving. Just being outside in the city of Paris was perfect to me. Seeing all of the lights and the people and everything was amazing. We came to a stop at the monument of Paris; the Eiffel Tower. "Wow." I said. "We're here for dinner." Allison said. "Dinner?" I asked. "At the very top of the tower, there's a restaurant. I've already made a reservation and ordered our dinner." Alex said. We got on the elevator and up we went. It was fun. We got to our table and there was a bottle of wine. "Are we old enough for this?" I asked Allison. "They water it down. It'll be fine." She said. We sat down and the waiter poured our drinks. "To us. Here we are, in Paris, a beautiful city with my family. May we never lose our bond." Alex said his toast. We joined him and took sips of our drinks and ate our food.

Hours went by and we finally left the Eiffel Tower. Alex drove up to a club. "Party time." Alex said. Allison and I were kind of sketchy about going in, but we decided what the heck. It was like the Jungle back in Beacon Hills, except there wasn't any gogo dancers. Alex and Allison saw a few people they knew and they went to talk with them, leaving me alone. "Thanks guys." I said as they disappeared. I walked around and there were people that would tell me to dance with them. I would for a few minutes then I would leave. I looked up and saw this guy that kept looking at me. He sat his drink down and started walking towards me. "Dance with me kid." His deep voice said. And for some reason, my body obeyed. "My name's Césaire. What's yours?" He said. Even over the pulsating music, I could hear his French accent. "Riley." I said. "Beautiful name. You come here by yourself?" He asked. "No, my best friends." I pointed at Allison and Alex. He nodded his head and we continued dancing. I studied him. He had to be at least 6 feet tall, pretty muscular, dark hair, kind of mysterious. Allison came over to us after a while. "Who's this?" She asked. "Césaire, this is Allison. Allison, this is Césaire." I introduced them. "Nice to meet you." She said. "Same to you Mademoiselle." He said. He leaned towards me ear. "My number is in your back pocket. Call me before my flight. I'd love to see you before I leave." He said. He waved goodbye and Alex came to us. "Who was that?" He asked. "A friend." I said. "Well, it's almost midnight and I'm sure dad's going to kill us, so let's go." Alex said. We marched out of the club and headed home. I took out my phone and entered Césaire's number.

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