He's Dead

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We were on our way to our track meet. "Get back in your seats!" Coach yelled. Scott was sitting by Stiles, Cole and I were sitting together, Sam was sitting by himself, and Isaac was sitting with Boyd. I kept trying to stay awake, but I kept having flashback to last night. Stiles was helping Scott and Sam study for a test. We went over a bump and Scott, Sam and I felt immense amounts of pain. "Are you okay?" Stiles asked us. "We shouldn't have come." Stiles said. "Safety in numbers Stiles." I said. We winced in pain again. "Alright, I'm telling coach." Stiles said as he started to get up. "No, we're fine." I said. "You don't look alright. Let me see it." Stiles said as he tried looking at Scott's wound. "I'm fine." Scott said. "Let me see it Scott." Stiles said. Scott lifted up his shirt and showed Stiles his wound on his side. I showed Cole the one on my chest and Sam showed the one on his back. "They only look bad because they're from an Alpha. It'll take longer for them to heal." Scott said. 

I laid down on Cole's lap. "I can't believe Derek's dead." I cried softly. Every time I closed my eyes, I'd have flashbacks of Derek falling onto the escalators and dying or one of the others getting hurt. I kept seeing how the whole thing went down, us meeting at the loft, Scott, Isaac, Sam and I going to meet with Deucalion, Allison helping us. Coach started yelling at Jared about him being carsick. "McCalls! Not you three too!" Coach said. "We're good coach." Scott said. "Riley, you're bleeding again." Cole said. I looked at my chest and noticed that the blood was no longer just red, but it was turning black. "You too Scott." Stiles said. "And don't tell me it's just taking longer to heal because bleeding means not healing." Stiles said. 

The bus stopped suddenly and Cole used his telekinetic powers to keep me from falling. "You okay?" He asked me. "Yeah. I'll be fine." I said. Scott told me that Deucalion's plan included Sam, Me and him. He wants to see what we're made of. But one thing happened that I can't forget; Isaac told me he saw my eyes turn red. Scott got up and went towards Boyd. Boyd was about to attack Ethan and Scott stopped him. "Crisis averted?" Stiles asked. "Good job Scott." I said weakly. "Well, Ethan keeps checking his phone. I don't know why but I'm sure it's evil. You guys know I'm good at sensing evil." Stiles said. "I don't like that he's sitting with Danny." Scott said. Then he'd really hate it if I told him Ethan said I was his next objective. Stiles decided to ask Danny why Ethan kept checking his phone. Come to find out, he said a 'family member' was hurt. "Ennis." I said. "So that means he's not dead." Sam said. "Not yet he isn't." Stiles said. 

"Have either one of you three tried calling Deaton?" Stiles asked. "Kept getting his voicemail." I said. "I'm calling Lydia." Stiles said. "They can't do anything. They're in Beacon Hills." Scott said. "They've been following us." Stiles said. 


"Okay, the boys are still hurt." I said. "What do you mean they aren't healing?" Allison asked. "No, I think they're getting worse the blood is turning black." I said. "What's wrong with them?" Lydia asked. "I don't know." I said. "We need to get them off the bus." Alice said. "And do what? Take them to the hospital?" Lydia asked sarcastically. "If they're dying, yes." Alex said. "There's a rest stop about a mile up, tell the coach to pull over." Allison said. 


Stiles tried reasoning with coach about us getting to the rest stop. Coach wasn't going for it, so Stiles used his resources, and by that, I mean Jared. 

Once Jared vomited on the bus, allowing Cole, Stiles, Alice, Allison, Lydia and Alex to get us to the bathroom. 

We were sat down on the floor side by side. Scott grabbed my hand and Sam grabbed the other. "Why didn't you three tell us?" Allison asked. "Sorry." I said. They walked away and I couldn't hear what they were saying. I looked at Scott and Sam. "I love you two." I said to them softly. They smiled and closed their eyes and suddenly, I was seeing the same darkness they were. 

I kept hearing their voices. Allison and Alex; Alice and Lydia; Cole and Stiles. It was faintly, but I heard them. 

Alex came and sat next to me. "Hey. Stay with me Kiddo." He said. "I'm so tired." I said. "Just keep your eyes open Riley." Allison said. 

I closed my eyes, but just for a second and I saw him. A little boy with brown hair and hazel/ green eyes. A smile big enough to send a cloudy day back into hiding. A laugh that could make anyone's day better. He turned and saw me. "Dad?" He said. "Anastasius?" I said. He ran up and hugged me."I go by Cheveyo." He said. Derek came behind me. "He's got your laugh." Derek said. "Dad, I have a question." He asked. "What is it little one?" I asked. "Why did your eyes turn red last night?" He asked. "How did you know about that?" I asked. He changed the subject. "Dad, you're not supposed to be here. Neither of you are supposed to be here." Anastasius said. "What do you mean?" Derek said. "You're not supposed to be here. You're supposed to be with Uncle Sam and Uncle Scott and Auntie Cora." He said. "Dad, Daddy, you both have to wake up." He said. "Wake up!" He screamed. I woke up screaming. "Riley! Calm down I'm right here." Alex said as he grabbed my hand. "Are you okay?" Scott asked as he limped to me. I hugged him and Sam. "You're alright." I said. "We're alright." Sam said. 

We left the bathroom and heard a commotion. "What's going on?" I asked Stiles. "I told Isaac and Boyd what was going on with you three and they went after him." He said. We got to Isaac to see him beating the crap out of Ethan. "Isaac!" Scott, Sam and I yelled. He stopped and looked at us. I started going over things in my mind and I remembered; my eyes weren't the only ones to glow red last night, Sam and Scott's did too. 

We got on the bus and continued on our trip. I told Alex about what I saw when he was stitching me up. "Cheveyo?" He asked. "It means one with the spirit of a warrior." I told him. "Native American?" He asked. I nodded. Stiles and Lydia were talking to Alice and Cole about the Darach. Allison and Scott were talking. Sam and Anna were holding each other. Things were almost back to normal. 


Adelaide Kane as Cora Hale
Remember that in the next chapter a character gets severely hurt . The person who guesses it right gets it dedicated to them.

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