I Don't Care

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There was a pretty bad storm going on. I was at the loft with Sam, Scott, Stiles, Cole, and Dimytri. "Derek?" I heard Jennifer call out. My blood began to boil and Cole put his arms around me. "Where are you?" She asked. "Right here." He said. She ran towards him and hugged him. "Something happened at the recital." She began. Yeah bitch, snitch yourself out. "I need to tell you before you hear it from anyone of them." She said panting. "From who?" He asked. "Scott, Stiles, Riley, any of them." She said as she spat me name out. "They're going to tell you things and you can't believe them. You have to trust me okay?" She said. "What is it?" He asked. Derek was kinda good at playing dumb. "Promise me that you'll listen to me." She said. "Promise." Derek said softly. She kissed him. She pulled away slowly. "They're already here aren't they?" She said. We walked from behind the wall Derek broke. "So they told you it was me?" She said. "That I'm the one killing people?" She said. "We told him you're the one killing people Blake." Scott snapped. "Yeah that's right. Cutting their throats and such. I'm totally able to do that when I'm grading your papers." She laughed. "Where's my dad?" Stiles asked. I drew my bow. "Where's my best friend?" I said, prepared to shoot her in the throat. "How should I know?" She said. "Derek, tell me you don't believe this. Tell me you don't believe them." She said. He looked at her and then looked at us. He looked at me and I'm sure he felt my pain. "Do you know what happened to Riley's friend or Stiles' father?" He asked her. "No." She whined. "Ask her why she almost killed Lydia, Anna, and Riley." Sam growled. "Lydia and Anna Martin? I know nothing about that." She yelled. "Then explain the mark you left on my neck." I said pulling the scarf down, showing the mark. "You know you did this Jennifer." I said. "What do you know?" Derek snapped. "I know that for some reason, these boys have filled your head with some story." She said. "One they can't prove by the way." She snapped. "What if we can?" Cole said. Scott held up a jar. "What's that?" She asked. I started walking towards Derek. "Our boss told us it was a poison and a cure." I said. "Which means it you can use it, and it can be used against you." He said taking off the lid. "Mistletoe." She seethed. Scott flung it towards her and she thrashed around. She revealed the true look of her. She had scars covering her face and body. She was panting loudly and Derek looked terrified. She started to run when I shot her in the leg in one swift move. "Ah!" She yelled. Derek grabbed her, holding her by the throat. "Derek, wait. You need me." She said. "What the hell are you?" He seethed. "The only person who can save your sister, Eli and the sheriff." She gasped. "Call Peter." She said.

Derek called Peter and he told him what was happening to Cora. Derek tighten his grip on her throat. "Derek stop!" I yelled. "Her life is in my hands." She gasped. Derek lifted her higher in the air and tightened his grip. "Derek!" Stiles screamed. "Stilinski, Eli, you can't find them if I'm dead." She said. "Derek." Scott said. "Derek!" I yelled. He dropped her. "That's right. You need me. Each and every one of you." She said. "Doesn't mean I won't shoot an arrow through your neck once we find them." I growled.

We all headed to the hospital. I rode with Derek and Jennifer. She sat in the back seat while I sat next to Derek. He held my hand. "I'm not doing this because I have to, I want to." She said. Derek and I sat in silence as he rubbed his thumb over my finger. "I could still run and you really wouldn't have an easy time stopping me, but I don't want your sister to die." She said. "It wouldn't be that hard to stop you. Just shoot you in the back of the leg with an arrow or throw a trap around your legs and you'd be down." I said. Derek tried not to smile. "You know, I've never seen a werewolf use a weapon." She said. "And I'm sure you've never seen a werewolf who was trained by werewolf hunters, but once again, I don't care what you say Jennifer." I said. "I'm only doing what I had to do." She said. "Shut up." Derek said. "You need to hear the whole story, just so you'll know how connected we are." She said. "Stop talking. Just shut up." He said.

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