This is the end.

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When we woke up, it was an all white room. I looked around and saw my brothers, Stiles and Allison. We got out of our tubs and stared around cluelessly. We turned around and saw it; The Nemeton. We walked towards it and Sam and Scott grabbed my hands. We put our hands on the Nemeton and all of the memories flooded my mind. It stopped on the night I first met Derek. 

"Hi. I'm Derek. Derek Hale." He said as he smiled and extended his hand towards me.

"I'm Riley." I Said Shaking His Hand. "You're A New Face Around Town. Haven't Seen You Around Before. How Long Have You Been Here?" He Asked Me. "I Lived Here As A Baby. I Just Moved Back A Couple Of Days Ago." I Replied. "You Should Be More Careful. Been Killings Around Here. I Would Hate To See A Face As Perfect As Yours Get Hurt." He Said. I Looked Up At Him And I Got Caught In A Trance. His Eyes Were A Mix Between Hazel And Green. "You Okay?" I Heard Him Ask. "Yeah I Was Just Thinking About Something." I Said Lying. "You're A Bad Liar Riley." He Said.

We Started Walking Together And We Were Just Talking. "So Why Do You Choose The Forest Of All Places To Walk?" Derek Asked. "I've Always Liked Outdoors, But I Feel More Free In A Forest. I Don't Know Why." I Said. "I Mainly Came Back To This Part Because The Other Night I Dropped My Inhaler."

He Reached Into His Pocket And Pulled Out A Purple Inhaler.

"Thanks." I Said As He Gave It To Me.

He Nodded And We Kept Walking. It Started Getting Kinda Dark And We Arrived To A Partly Burned House.

"Wow. What Happened Here?" I Said Softly. "There Was A Fire. Most Of The Family Died." He Said And I Listened To His Heartbeat.

"It Was Your Family Wasn't It?" I Asked Him.

"Yeah." He Said Blandly. "You Should Probably Start Heading Home." He Said.

"Derek, Someone's Coming." I Said. "How Do You Know?" He Asked. "You Don't Hear That?" I Asked."Yeah I Did. That's Why I Told You Should Run!" He Said As He Pushed Me Out Of The Way Of A Flying Arrow. "Run Kid!" Derek Screamed. 

I turned to run and ran into a tree stump. 


I was staring at myself and my brothers the night we were bitten. I looked over and Sam was right beside me. He grabbed my hand and we watched the events unfold. We walked backwards and we ran into a tree stump. The Nemeton. 


I was watching little sophomore me running through the woods with Scott, Sam and Riley. I remembered the dog barking at me and I backed up into something. I ran into my dad and he took me back to my jeep. I turned around to see what I ran into and it was a tree stump. 


I saw the younger version of me. When we first got to Beacon Hills and we almost hit Scott. When I found his inhaler and my mom threw it, right in front of me. I turned around and there was a tree stump. 


We all woke up from the ice bath. "I know where it is." Scott said. "Yeah the night you guys were bitten." Stiles said. We looked around us. All of our friends were there. "We can find it." Scott told Deaton. He looked around at the others. "What?" Allison asked. "You guys were out for a pretty long time." Isaac said. "How long?" I asked. "16 hours." Deaton said. "We've been in the water for 16 hours?" Sam asked. "And the full moon rises in less than 4." Lydia said. 

Scott and Sam were talking about going back with Deucalion. "No, you guys can't go back with them." Stiles said. "We made a deal with Deucalion." Sam said. Cole brought me his jacket and wrapped it around me. "Am I the only one who thinks that this sounds like a deal with the devil?" Stiles asked. "Why does it matter?" Isaac asked. "Because I don't think we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott sighed. "Tell him he's wrong." Allison said to Deaton. "I'm not so sure he is." Deaton said. "Sometimes in a time like this you have to align yourself with enemies." He said. "So we're going to trust Deucalion?" Isaac asked. "Trust, no, but you could use him to your advantage." Deaton said. We heard the door open and close. "I'm looking for Lydia and Riley." Ethan said. We walked to the door. "I need your help." He said. "With what?" Stiles asked demandingly. "Stopping my brother." He said. "He's going to kill Derek." Ethan said. Lydia and I left with Ethan and headed to Derek's loft. 

Three Little Wolves Part 3Where stories live. Discover now