To Save a Girl

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I got to the preserve with Cole and my dad showed up. "Dad," Scott began. "I'll talk to you three in a minute. I'd like to hear how your mother thinks it okay to have you three running around in the woods so late." He said as he walked away. "Sometimes I'd like to ask myself why I hate your dad, then I remember, he's an idiot." Cole said. Cole and I left and went home. I laid down and I realized something; I was almost 16, Sam and Scott were turning 17 in just a few months. I just can't believe Danny isn't my anchor anymore. He was the last thing I had that was connected to the human side of me. "What's on your mind?" Cole asked as he sat down next to me. "Nothing." I smiled lightly. Cole kissed me and climbed on top of me. "You know, Danny's not the end of the world. Yeah he was your first boyfriend here, but I'm not going to let you go anywhere. He's moved on, and you should too." He said as he bit into my neck. 

After the rather steamy session I had with Cole, I went downstairs and my dad was there. "Why are you covered in tattoos?!? Does your mom know?" He asked as he came towards me. "If you must know, Rafael, this one," I pointed to the one Scott, Sam and I got together, "Is the one I got with Scott and Sam. This one," I pointed to the one Derek traced on my back the night we were kidnapped, "Was given to me as a gift. This one, is one that I got in remembrance of my mother." I said as I pointed to the anchor Cole put on my arm. He shook his head. "You're only 15 Riley." He said. "Yeah and I'm almost 16. I didn't need you before, and I sure as hell don't need you now." I said as I went up the stairs. 


Stiles, Allison, Sam, Alex, and Riley all met up in our history class the next day. "Here's where we found the den, right in the middle of the hiking trail." Stiles said pointing to the map. "That makes sense, coyotes travel down fixed trails." Allison said. "But I think you're right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves, and if they don't want to be heard, they tiptoe." Alex said. "Coyotes tiptoe?" Stiles asked. "They tiptoe." Allison said. The bell rang, signalling for class to start. "We gotta go, but send us the pinned location." Alex said as he and Allison left. We were headed to our seats when Kira stopped me. She seemed really nervous about talking to me. She said she printed off some stuff about Bardo for me but she lost it. Her dad came up and said he found the stuff about Bardo she found for the guy you like. She went to her seat and I went to mine, making sure to mess up Riley's hair. 


Sometimes, when Scott messes up my hair, I'd like to kill him. But then I think about something; I couldn't get away with murder. Class had started and Mr. Yukimura made Stiles read in front of the class. I looked up at Stiles and started walking towards him. "Are you alright Stiles?" I asked. "We'll take him to the nurse's office." Sam said. Scott, Sam and I walked Stiles to the locker room. "Stay out here." They told me. I rolled my eyes. "You guys should know, I'm an Alpha too. I can take care of myself." I said. "Riley, shut up. You're a lookout." Sam said.  They went in the bathroom and I was standing outside the door when I saw Ethan walking towards me, and he was walking pretty fast. "What do you want?" I asked. "You." He growled as he pushed me against the locker. "What are you doi-" I was interrupted by Ethan crashing his lips to mine. It wasn't like kissing Derek or Cole, but a mix of the two. His lips sent electricity through my body. "You're driving me crazy Riley." He said as he walked away. I grabbed his arm and turned him to face me. I slapped him. "What the hell was that for?" He asked as he held his face. "Ethan, I'm with someone and you just walk up and kiss me? Do you not get that everyone around me hates you and your brother?" I said. "Well, I know one thing, you're my Trigger Riley." He said as he ran down the hallway. "What the hell is a Trigger?!" I asked. 


Riley, Sam, Scott and Stiles weren't back when the bell rang. Kieran and I went to take them their bags. We saw a coyote and it growled and ran towards us. "Let's go Kira!" Kieran yelled as he grabbed my hand. 


I caught her scent. "Scott, Malia. She's here." I said as I went through the doors of the bathroom. "And she has Kieran and Kira cornered." I said. We ran to the locker room in time to scare Malia away. Animal control was called and I stayed with Kieran. "Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded. "I don't know if we've been properly introduced, but I'm Riley Santiago-McCall." I said as I extended my hand. "Kieran. Kieran Yukimura." He said as he shook it. He smiled and Sam walked up. "And this is my bonehead brother, Samuel Santiago." I said. Sam waved and Kieran waved back. 

We went to the clinic and went over our plan once the police left the school. Using tranquilizers and a little bit of Alpha roar, we were going to change Malia back into a human. Problem is, Scott, Sam and I are scared to turn. 

We met up with the twins and the beat the crap out of Scott and Sam. "Stop!" I yelled. They didn't even bother to look at me. "I said quit it!" I shrieked. They all fell to the ground. I walked up to Ethan and Aiden and I slapped both of them. "You could've killed them. I swear you guys are both idiots." I said. 

We all showed up at the preserve. "Anyone else thinking we might be doing more harm than actual good?" Lydia asked. "We're trying to keep a man from killing his own daughter." Scott said. "Actually, we're trying to keep a man from killing a coyote." Isaac said. "Again with the not helping." Stiles said. "Did you bring it?" Scott asked Allison. She went back to the car and pulled out a rifle. We were walking towards the preserve when we heard a gunshot. Scott, Sam and I jumped on our bikes and we headed towards the sound. 

We were on our bikes when we heard Isaac scream. We ended up crashing and it hurt like hell. "Riley! Are you okay?" Sam asked as he ran over to me. "I think I broke my arm." I said as I held it. Scott looked at me and I nodded. Scott broke my arm again, triggering the healing process. 

We saw Malia and we started chasing after her. We weren't in our wolf form, since we were still scared to shift. After a while, we shifted anyway seeing as how it was the only way we were going to catch Malia. We came up on the wrecked car. We jumped across it and faced Malia. She looked at us and she growled. Finally, after what seemed like forever of listening to her mewling, we roared. Like it is when I scream with Lydia and Anna, we roar on different sound waves. Her eyes turned blue and she slowly turned back into a human. 

We got clothes on her and Stiles and the sheriff took her back to her father. Stiles told us he could finally read again and Allison wasn't shaking and hallucinating like she was before. And us three, we could shift without the fear of losing all control.

Three Little Wolves Part 3Where stories live. Discover now