Our Divine Move

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Scott, Sam and Isaac were sent to the police station. Argent sent me to their house with Alex, Eli and Cole. We walked through the doors and I fell to my knees. "Riley." Cole said softly. "I can't do this." I said. "You have to keep going on." Cole said. 


I was at the Yukimura residence. Noshiko was pouring me something. "Here, this will calm you down." She said. "What is it?" I asked. "Tea." She answered. "Magic tea?" I asked. "No, Chamomile." She said. "He's not safe here." Mr. Yukimura said. "He's not safe anywhere." Kieran said. "But Allison and Riley killed two of them. Doesn't that mean something?" Kira asked. "Is that even possible?" Mr. Yukimura asked. "I'm not sure how." Noshiko said. "But they did it. They killed them." Kira said. "Yeah and then they killed her. Allison, she's dead." I said. "I guess the only good thing is now it looks like I'm dying too." I said. "They made a powerful move by separating the two of you." Noshiko said. "So what's our move?" Kieran asked. "At this point, we need a divine move." Mr. Yukimura said. "What's that?" I asked. "In the game of go, it's like an out of the box move. You need a divine move to turn the game around." Noshiko said. "You said you trapped it in a glass jar right?" Kieran asked. "It wasn't the jar that trapped it, but where I buried it." Noshiko said. "The Nemeton." I said. "A place I don't know too much about honestly." She said. "Who does?" Kieran asked. "Deaton." I said.


We were joined by Isaac and Mr. Argent after a couple of hours. "I appreciate the concern but you guys don't have to stay." Argent said. "I'll be alright." He finished. "I've dealt with this before, I've learned how to deal with my emotions." He said. "I haven't." Isaac said. Argent pulled him in a hug and Isaac cried. I was being held by Alex and Cole, while Eli played with my hair. 

Argent walked over to me. "Riley, I've always treated you like a son. I've only wanted you to feel like you're wanted." He said. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you dad." I whimpered. "I love you too kid." He said. Cole and Eli went home with me that night, each taking watch over me. I was trying to sleep, but I couldn't. Cheveyo kept me up. I sat up and screamed. Cole and Eli busted through my door. "Riley?!?!? What's wrong?" Cole asked as they ran over to me. "So many dead people. So much blood." I said. "Where?" Cole asked. "Everywhere. The hospital, the station, the school." I said. 

I got a call from Scott and he told me to get to the school as soon as I could. Cole and Eli ran to the car and I sent a text to Alex. 

We got there and met up with the others. "Guys, hold on." Stiles said. "I know what you're all thinking, if this works, it'll kill me too. Even if it does, you have to go through with it. You have to stick to the plan." He said. "The plan is to save you, not kill you." I said. "And it's the plan we're going with." Scott said. Scott opened the doors of the school and it revealed a japanese forest covered in snow. We walked in and the doors closed, causing Cole to latch onto my hand. "Well, this isn't part of the plan." I said. I heard roaring. "Derek." I said quietly. I walked in the front with my brothers. It was really snowing here. We were looking around when we saw the Nogitsune. Kira and Kieran drew their swords. "Just like I promised Stiles, we're going to kill all of them. One by one." He said. "What the hell is this? Where are we?" Sam asked. "Between Life and Death." The Nogitsune said. "Bardo." Lydia said. "But here, with us, there are no peaceful deities Lydia." He said. "You're dying Stiles. And now, everyone you care about is dying as well." He added. "What are you talking about?" Kaige asked. "I've captured almost all of the territories on the board. The Hospital, The Sheriff Station, and soon, The Animal Clinic." He said. "Do you know the ritual of Seppuku Stiles?" He asked. "No and I don't want to." He answered. "It's when a samurai disembowels himself." I said. "Using his own sword. He does it in order to keep his honor, but that isn't the cut that kills him." The Nogitsune said. "He's beheaded with his own Katana. Kaishaku.  " He said. "Scott, Sam and Riley, they are your kaishakunin. I'm going to make your best friends kill you Stiles. And you're going to let them, and just like you, they're all going to die." The Nogitsune said as it came closer to us. "Unless they kill you." He finished. "Why are you doing this?" Stiles asked. "To win the game." He said as the Oni drew their blades. Scott, Sam, Kira, Kieran, Eli, and I were fighting the Oni while the others found a safe place to be. 

Stiles picked up Kira's sword and held it at his stomach. "Stiles, no!" I screamed. "Stiles stop." Scott yelled. "What if it saves you and everyone else?" He asked. "What if it's just a trick?" Lydia asked. "No more tricks." The Nogitsune growled. "Let it end boys. Let your friend fall on his own sword." He said. Stiles stopped and looked at the sword. "You have no moves left." He said. "We do." Stiles said as he gave Kira her sword back. "We have a move. Our Divine Move." Stiles said. "Stop fighting them guys. It's an illusion." Stiles said. "It may look real and feel real, but I promise you it's not real." He said. The Oni made a line around the Nogitsune. We walked between them, each earning a slice to our body by their swords. Scott grabbed the Nogitsune and pushed him through the door, but when we got through it, we were actually in the school. "We're okay." I said. Scott, Sam and I were flung into the locker. I looked up and Void Stiles had punched Kieran and slapped Kira. "This was my game. You actually think you can beat me at my own game?" He asked. I heard Cheveyo whisper a name in my ear. "Aiden!" I shrieked. "Divine move? Divine move? You think you have any moves left at all? You can kill the Oni but me, I'm a thousand years old, you can't kill me!" Void Stiles screamed. "But we can change you." Lydia said. "You forgot about the scroll." Stiles said. "The Shugendo Scroll." Void Stiles said. "You can't be a fox and a wolf." Stiles said. I shot Void Stiles through the chest with a silver arrow and Scott and Sam bite him, changing the body of the host. He fell to the ground and Kieran and Kira drove their swords through his body. A fly came out of his mouth and Isaac caught it in the Triskele box. Void Stiles turned to dust and vanished. Stiles fell on the ground unconscious. "Stiles!" Kaige yelled. 

After about 10 minutes, Stiles woke up. "Oh god. I fainted?" Stiles asked. I nodded. "We're alive. We're all alive?" Stiles asked. "All except one." I said quietly. Lydia and I ran outside to see Aiden on the ground in Ethan's arms. 

Now, Aiden was gone. I hope wherever he is, he's protecting Allison and Boyd and Erica. 

The next day, I was sitting at the table with my brothers. My mom pulled us in her arms and we all just let the tears go. I found out earlier that day that Isaac and Argent were going back to France to have Allison's funeral, but Alex was staying here. 


"I wish I could say something to them. To all of them. I just don't know how much space or time I'm supposed to give them. And I know that I'm still just the new girl." I told Lydia. "Not for long." She said as she pointed out Malia. 


Malia was coming to us for help with her shifting. We gladly helped. Ethan had told me that he was leaving, but he'd be back. I told him okay and hugged him tightly. The other Twins, Jayden and Kayden stayed as well with Alex. Things were going good for Kaige and Stiles. They were all happy together. 

We were at the clinic with Deaton and Max. "Have any of you heard of the term 'regression to the mean'?" Deaton asked. "No." We all said. "It's a term meaning that, things will always even out." He said. "Like things will always get better?" Max asked. "More like things can't always get bad." Deaton said. "So it doesn't mean how good things get," Scott began. "Or bad." Sam added. "It always comes down to the middle." I said. "Regression to the mean." Deaton said. 

We headed home and I made a detour. See, in a few days, Scott and Sam are turning 17. I made my way to the bakery and ordered their birthday cake. On my way out, I ran into Danny. "Hey." He said. "Hey." I said quietly. He smiled and walked away. I can't take much more of that. I headed home and there was my pack, waiting for me. Alex, Eli, Jay, Jayden, Kayden, Kaige, Stiles, Alice, Cole, Max, Cesaire, Henri, Anna, and Lydia. "Movie night!" Anna yelled. I smiled and we all bunched up on the floor. These aren't just my friends, they are my pack. 

The End ! 

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