Chapter 4 // Nightmare

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"Ready babe?" Liam asks.

"Yes." I smile taking his hand.

It was so nice to finally spend quality time together after two long weeks of work.

"It's such a nice day for a picnic." He beams.

"I agree."

We sit down for our lunch, basking in the warm summer breeze. I look to Liam who's face is torn with horror.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask but before I get an answer I'm tackled, bag put over my head. I scream, scream loud, calling for Liam as I'm torn away.

"Sam! Sam!" I hear Rabbit calling.

I shoot up out of bed, sweat making my clothes cling to my body. Rabbit is staring at me, unable to speak a word. I take a deep breath, wiping at my forehead.

"Are you alright?" He asks sitting next to me.

"Yeah." I breathe. "Just a nightmare."

He lays me back down but this time, joins me. He wraps his arms around, cradling my body against his. I ease into his touch, letting my eyes fall back into a slumber.

I wake the next morning feeling full of energy. I quietly move around Rabbit, careful not to wake him. I put my gear back on and venture out to the main den. I'm the first awake, so I take a look at the plan west. I plant the coordinates in my head, trying to see as far as I can upon the path. I grab the list of things Colin wrote for Luke and head into the storage room. I find everything that I can and pack it into a large drawstring bag. I hustle into the main den and throw the bags on the table.

"Leaving?" Grey startles me.

"No." I smile. "Just getting a head start on the packing.

He nods like he always does, sitting down a mug. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine." I zip.

"How often do the nightmares happen?"

I stand shocked, my mouth agape. "I-- not that often."


I sigh. "Three, four times a week. But you already know that, don't you?"

"I do."

"Dammit Rabbit."

"Don't curse him, he is only concerned for you."

"It just some personal demons that I need to overcome."

Grey notices the boundary and lets the subject go. He rounds he table, pointing at a landmark on the map.

"Our next stop may not be as easy to get as our last."

I stand next to him looking at the map. "Phoenix?"

"Yes. The mountains of Phoenix to be exact. There is a hide out shelter there with a large group of rebels who are planning to make the long trip to the coast. We made contact with them last night via radio and they are willing to wait 3 days for us to get there."

"Do you think we can make it?" I ask.

"I think we have a good shot." Grey continues. "Once the group all awakes, we will meet and start the move."

I leave the den and head back to the room. Rabbit sits in the wooden chair, bringing his shirt down over his torso but not before I catch a glimpse of his sculpture.

"Do we have a plan of action?"

"We do." I answer. "Once the rest of the group is awake and fed, we take route West."

"And how are you?"

"I'm fine, Rabbit." I spit.

"4 nights a week of nightmares, and that's fine?"

"Like I told Grey, it's just some personal demons I have to deal with. See you in the den." I say and leave the room swiftly.

Rabbit didn't deserve my attitude but I will not stand for him to lecture me about something he has no clue about. The rest of the group finishes their preparations as we set out once more. Rabbit and Grey keep to the front of the group as I tend the back. Luke has become a huge asset, helping with the terrain of many of the places we seek to pass. He, as well as John and Allison, have also helped Asher process the whole traumatic of Maura's death.

I scan the area, finding just the signatures of different animals living about the habitat. We stumble upon some abandoned cars and try our luck, this time coming up empty. Our route now takes us into the woods as I become more aware. The sun quickly sets leaving us at the mercy of whatever dwells in the night. We find a small gauge in a hillside that provides decent protection from the elements. I take perch upon the ledge, providing look out once more. It's not long before the group is fast asleep leaving me to my own haunting thoughts. But tonight is different, not quiet or still but active and loud. I smell them first before hearing the shrieks. They do not know we are here but they will if I don't ambush them first. I move down the galley, using the trees as my advantage. I quickly end two dwellers without sound, retreating back to the ones who evaded my attack. A gun shot rings out, sending sleeping birds a flock. I rush back to the camp site, finding Grey and the group surrounded by a mass of dwellers. I retrieve my guns and pick off three more, before sweeping in with my knife. I leap to the ledge leaading them away from the group. A searing hot pain erupts in my lower leg as a dweller digs his claws in. I hiss out in pain quickly dismembering the dweller of its hand. I rip the claw from my leg, throwing to the side. Rabbit and Grey have since joined in, finishing the rest of the pack. I scan the area for signatures before falling back on to the ground, tearing the rest of my torn pants away from my wound. Allison is quick to my side, provide the little first aid material we have. She cleans the wound before wrapping it tightly. I thank her silently as he climbs back down to her husband.

The bigger the wound, the longer it takes to heal but I have no doubt by the time the sun rises I'll be pain free.

"Is everyone alright?" I hear Grey ask.

Quiet murmurs answer Grey giving me confirmation that everyone has survived. I stay perched upon the ledge finishing my night watch. We reach morning without anymore disturbances, leaving me the time to feed once more. I don't venture far and return before anyone awakes. I check my wound, finding that it hadn't progressed like I thought. I flex my cuspid and bite into my wrist. I let the blood drip onto the gash, cringing at the intense burn. I breath deeply, calming my way through the deep pain. I lick my wrist, watching the pinholes disappear instantly. I wrap the gash back up and descend down to the group.

Breakfast is eaten and we set out once more. The day grows hotter causing me to toss the jacket I had tightly around me in Tacom. We break the forest again and find another highway. I'm quick to every vehicle, finding two cars thaat both have a sufficient amount of gas to help our process. We file in, making Luke, Grey, and Rabbit the lead car. Asher, John, and Allison hang with me as I stay close to the lead car.

"Asher, try the radio." I ask keeping my eyes on the road.

He does so finding nothing but scribble. "Nothing, son of a bitch. Fucking nothing."

A silent two hours pass leaving us just 2 miles outside of Phoenix. The endless roadway is hypnotic and I find myself daydreaming far too much.

"Do you think we have enough case to make it to the hide out?" Asher asks.

"I'm hoping Asher, I really am."

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