Chapter 10 // On The Road Again

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I awake to the ground rumbling beneath and my stomach burning hot with hunger. I sit up, looking about finally realizing I'm in a car.

"How are you feeling, dear?" I hear a familiar voice ring. Allison.

"I'm ok, just incredibly hungry."

She swallows hard. "Ok, let me see what we have."

"Allis, she doesn't eat that." I hear John whisper.

"Yes she does." Allison comes back holding a plastic water bottle full of blood.

"Allison!" He gasps. "Where did you get that?"

"Oh hush Jonathan and keep your eyes on the road." She scolds, handing me the bottle. "Hope that is sufficient."

I smile giving her a nod. I take the bottle and down it within seconds. It's just enough to dull the ache, as I pray we stop soon.

"Allison, the others? Are they--"

She nods. "Everyone is fine." She ends with a smile.

A wave of relief washes over me, leaving me to my thoughts of Rabbit, Liam, and even Grey. Another two hours passes before my stomach ignites it's fiery pit. The veins in Allison's neck catch my attention making me blink them away. My stomach turns.

"Allison, please ask John to pull over. I think I'm going to be sick."

"Oh! Okay, John dear! Pull over!"

The car jerks hard to the right as I burst out the door. Every ounce I blood I shoved down my throat, violently leaves my body. I feel a comforting hand run up and down my back as one last heave escapes me.

"I'm sorry." I cry.

"Please don't apologize Sam. When you're ready." Allison comforts.

I finally feel well enough to get back into the car and notice the brigade ahead of us waiting. I'm holding us back and for that I feel even worse. I lay across the backseat and let my eyes slowly shut. The rhythmic hum of the tires against the road drifts me off to sleep, leaving only my personal demons to keep me restless.

"Sam." I hear my name called. "Sam?"

I awake suddenly seeing Allison before me.

"Grey has found us shelter for the night, come on dear. Let's get you some proper food."

I nod and follow her out of the car. I see Rabbit filling their vehicle with a canister of gas, completely oblivious to our presence. We walk towards an abandoned diner, entering through a broken door with little light provided due to the windows being boarded up extensively.

"Glad to see you're still with us." Grey snarks, igniting a flame in a old fire reminisce.

"I didn't know." I break.

"Stop." Grey puts up a hand. "It's over. You are here and we made it out of the compound alive."

"Sam, you should go eat." Allison suggests. "You are not looking all that well."

And I didn't feel well either.

I nod and walk back out of the diner towards the edge of the wooded area. I scan the ground, noticing many different signatures recognizing them as deer or elk. I stalk one, getting my fill before letting the animal go. I almost instantaneously feel better, hurrying back to the diner. My momentum is stopped, back crashing against a tree. I go to scream, but am muffled.

"Hush, it's me." Liam purrs.

I push his hand away from my mouth. "Don't do that ever again!" I scold. I catch his eyes and know his intention are not good. "You need to feed."

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