Chapter 11- Wipe Your Tears

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If you haven't read Chapter 1 you should just so you know what's going on :D 

Sorry it took so long to update. It won't happen again promise :D *hugs*



"It all happened on my graduation..." I started telling him.

I told Conor everything. As soon as I started I just couldn't stop because I had been waiting so long for someone to talk to, keeping it all in even though it didn't make things any better. I had my aunt and uncle, and I was appointed a therapist at first after the accident but I couldn't talk to any of them about this. I wouldn't. Eventually the therapist gave up and my aunt and uncle haven't asked about it at all but I guess they understand that if I wanted to talk to them about it I would have. 

Conor sat there, listening closely, with a sad and sympathetic look in his eyes. The look almost everyone in my home town had given me after the accident as I walked past or talked to them. The look my aunt and uncle give me everyday. The look I can't stand because it just reminds me of everything that happened, which is another reason which is why I don't want to talk about it with anyone.

But I didn't stop. I continued to tell Conor everything because even though he had that look in his eyes he also had a loving look. An understanding and supportive look and I knew he would be there for me and I knew that I could tell him everything. I tried to hold back my tears but as I got to the part of when I realized my parents were really gone I couldn't stop them anymore. Conor still listened, grabbing my hands as I cried and I told him the rest. 

"I had no more family in Dublin, so I moved here" I finished off and Conor moved closer, wiping my tears before pulling me into his arms and I gladly moved closer, putting my arms around him. We stayed like that for a litte while as I continued to cry but also feeling relieved that I finally let it all out and told someone. I squeezed Conor a little, to let him know I'm grateful to have him here. I told him my sob story and he didn't run in the other direction. 

A few mintues later he moved me so that I was looking into his eyes. I tried to look away because I'm sure my hair is a mess and my eyes are all read and puffy but he took my cheek and turned my face towards him. "Wipe your tears Kate, I hate to see you so sad. I'm so sorry about what happened. Thank you for telling me and I'll always be here for you. No matter what" And then he pulled me into his arms again. 

"Thank you for listening. Thank you for being there" I said, squeezing him a little and he squeezed back. "Always" He said, kissing me on top of my head. "I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through and I won't even try because I know it's so much worse than whatever I'll imagine so I'll just be here for you and I'll try to make things better. Well the best that I can anyway" He said. 

"What you're doing right now is just perfect, just you being here.Thank you" I said. 

"Sorry to ask but your parents are buried back in Dublin aren't they?" He asked. 

"Yeah. I'll go back there from time to time obviously but I still need someone to take care of me. My aunt and uncle have been reall great considering" I said, feeling better and relieved. "Although I haven't gotten comfortable yet or even unpacked and I know they're concerned" I said

"I'm sure they understand 100% Kate. Whenever you're ready, there's no rush" He said and I looked up at him and smiled. He took his thumb and wiped the remaining tears before getting up and offering me his hand. I gladly took it and he helped me up. We walked hand in hand back to Conor's car.

"Thank you for taking me to your special spot" I said, putting on my seatbelt. 

"Our special spot" He said, winking at me before starting the car. 

There was a few seconds of silence as Conor parked the car outside the house. "Not quite the day I was expecting but it was a good day all in all" He said, breaking the silence, turning his head to look at me. He leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek. I looked at him, knowing that I was blushing. 

"Lift your head up beautiful. It will get better I promise" He said. "How do you know?" I asked. I know he was being sweet and supportive but even though I was feeling relieved I still felt sad and hurt. There was still a hole in my heart despite me finally talking about it. 

"Because I'll be here to help you, support you and I know you haven't talked about it before today or really dealt with it and now you are so it will get better.I'm not saying you won't still be sad Kate, you lost your parents, the most important people in your life, but it will get a little bit better. It just takes time" He said, taking his thumb to once again wipe the tear that had fallen. But this time I was crying because I was so happy to have him and him saying that, I just had no words. 

"Thank you. Really. I'll see you soon" I gave him a soft kiss on the lips before getting out of the car and going inside. 

"How was that dear?" My aunt asked as I closed the front door, smiling to myself and blushing. 

"Wonderful" I said to her, making my way up to the room. MY room. I stood in the doorway for a few minutes before I took my bags off of the floor and put them onto my bed. All the clothes were still any there although not all of them because I have been wearing them. My aunt knew that I wasn't ready to unpack and so she always put my clothes onto the bed once she had washed them and not in the cupboard. I had always put them back into my bag and not had a second thought about it. But now I do. Now I think I'm ready to put my clothes in the cupboard and make this room look like a proper room. 

Slowly, one piece of clothing at a time, I put them on the shelves and hangers in the cupboard. Wanting to cry but also feeling happy. I had to get used to the idea that this was my home now. And it will be my home for a long time. 

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