Chapter 20- One and Only

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"Conor! Would you hurry up." I said and he just laughed as he stepped out of the bathroom. "Alright alright I'm done." He said with a smile and I smiled back.

We were just at lunch at the restaurant in the hotel. Martha joined us and we talked for a while but then Conor spilt his drink all over himself and so we had to finish up lunch and make our way back to the room. I laughed all the way up to our room as Conor was annoyed at himself for doing that because it was his favourite pair of pants that were now probably ruined. His shoes too. I felt bad for laughing though and I said we would find him another good pair of pants and shoes when we went shopping. But he had been in the bathroom for what felt like an hour. 

"Are you sure?" I said sarcastically because it had taken him so long. He pulled a tongue at me and I just laughed. We made our way to the car, Conor sitting in the passenger seat because he didn't really know where to go. We drove for about fifteen minutes before we made it to the shopping mall and then it took me another fifteen minutes to find parking. I didn't think it would be so busy. Most of the people were at the restaurants though and so shopping was a breeze. I got a few things for Liz, Ben and my cousins. Conor found what he was looking for and he was in a better mood now. I got a few things for myself and we went back to the car. "Happy now?" I asked him and he gave me a huge grin. "Ready to see my old neighborhood?" I asked him. "If you are." He said and I nodded. I wasn't really ready to go back to where I grew up, too many old memories in one day but at the same time I really wanted to go back because I loved my old neighborhood, my old house and I missed it so much. 

We drove for ten minutes before I turned down into a long street with many houses on either side of the street. My house was towards the middle of the long street and so we still had a bit to go. All the houses sort of looked the same but it was home and I loved it. We stopped a few minutes later on the street by my house. It was rectangular with red brick walls. Nothing special about the appearance but it was my home. My eyes started filling up with tears and I just sat in the car staring at my house for a little while. It was empty, which was surprising because I thought they would have put it up for sale as soon as I had left, but I guess they didn't. 

"Kate?" Conor said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm okay." I said. "Let's go inside." Conor followed me to the door and I took the keys for the house out of my bag. I just didn't have the heart to get rid of them yet. I know I shouldn't have them anymore but as long as the house is still empty, it doesn't really matter. We both walked inside. It was completely empty and dusty. The ran my fingers over the holes in the wall from the nails where many picture frames used to hang. "My mom was really sentimental. She took so many photos of my family and I and she framed every single one of them, even the bad ones." I laughed and Conor smiled at me. "What happened to everything?" Conor asked. "Everything was sold with the house, that's the way I wanted it, except for a few things of my parents' which I put in boxes which Liz keeps in the garage. I haven't even looked at it.  And most of my things I kept obviously." I said and Conor nodded. "I can still picture where everything used to be. Pictures, artwork and silly things I used to draw when I was little used to fill the walls. My mom made sure that no wall was empty and it looked amazing. She wasn't an interior decorator but she had always wanted to be one." I explained and Conor smiled. "Why didn't she become one?" He asked. "She got pregnant with me. She wouldn't have had anytime to be one and she much preferred be a mother. Well, that's what she always told me." I said and Conor laughed. "I'm sure she did." He said and I led Conor to where my room used to be. 

"What about your dad?" Conor asked as we stepped inside. "He was usually busy with work but he always made as much time for us as he could, no matter how late he got back from work." I smiled. "Empty. Nothing else to really see." I said as we just stood together in my old room. "It's great. Thank you for showing me where you used to live." He said and he put his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest and we stood like that together for a little while longer. 

"We should get back to the hotel, it's getting late." I said and Conor let go of me. "Okay." He said and I took his hand, leading him back downstairs. I made sure to lock the house and I heard someone say my name as I did so. "Kate?" I turned around to see my old neighbor standing at the fence, looking at me as if I was a ghost. "Mrs Singer. Wow, long time no see." I said as I walked over to the fence to greet her. One of the best and friendliest neighbors by far. She always used to bake things for me and when my parents went out she was the one to take care of me. She had stopped doing that when I was about thirteen though. "Yes indeed it is. How have you been? I never thought I would see you here again." She said and I smiled. "I'm good. Really. My boyfriend, Conor, took me here as birthday present to visit and see my parents." I said, pointing at Conor and he walked over to greet Mrs Singer. "Nice to meet you." He said and she smiled. "How nice of you to bring Kate back here. Many people have missed you so much dear, especially me." She said and I smiled. "And your parents too." She added. "Do you know why the house hasn't been sold?" I asked her. "They tried but nobody wanted to buy it. It's still for sale but there's just no sign." She said and I nodded. "Well, I'll let you get back to wherever you were going. Keep in touch okay?" She said and I smiled. "I will." I said, leaning over the fence to give her a hug. "Oh wait, I have something for you." She said as she quickly went inside. She came back a few minutes later holding what looked like a jewellery box. 

"Your mother brought this for you as a graduation present and she asked me to keep it so that you wouldn't find it. She never got the chance to give it you. So here." She said and I took it from her, smiling my thanks. 

I opened the box and inside I saw the most beautiful necklace. A silver chain with the infinity sign. Attached to that was an angel's wing, a piece of silver with 'K' engraved on it and a bead. It was amazing. I took it out of the box and held it up. Tears filled my eyes. Conor took the necklace from me, to put it around my neck. It was perfect. "Beautiful." Mrs Singer said and I smiled. "Now go before I burst into tears! Or before you do." She said and I laughed, hugging her one last time before getting into the car. 

"Glad we came here?" Conor asked as he started the car. "Very." I said smiling at him. "Thank you Conor." I said and he smiled, driving back to the hotel. It was late and so the hotel was quiet. We walked up the room in a comfortable silence and I sat down on the bed, putting our shopping packets on the floor next to it. 

"Now I know just about everything about you and where you grew up." Conor said smiling, sitting down next to me. "The one and only one to know." I said and he leaned over, pressing his lips against mine. "I know." He said breaking the kiss, with a big grin on his face. "I'm sorry I have so much baggage that it took you this long and to come all the way here just to find out about me." I said and Conor shook his head. "I wanted to come here. I wanted to come here with you because I love you. You don't have baggage. I wanted to see where you grew up. And I'm grateful that you even opened up at all." He said and I smiled. "You're my one and only Kate. I would do anything for you." He said and I blushed. He laughed, obviously noticing the red to my cheeks. I pushed him and he fell off of the bed because he was sitting on the edge. He got up, grabbing a pillow, and he started hitting me playfully with it. I laughed as I grabbed my own pillow to fight back. 

"I win." I said as I threw down my pillow, trying to catch my breath. "You wish. I won." He said and I laughed. "You cheated." I said. "Oh really?" He said sarcastically and I sat down on the bed, smiling. "I don't know, but you just did." I said and he laughed, lying down on the bed, pulling me down with him. Within minutes I was asleep in Conor's arms.


Boring chapter I know I'm sorry but it had to be done :) 

Thank you for reading and voting :D 


Picture of the necklace that Kate got is on the side. 

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